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Technical maintenance of some forumotion domain names.

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Technical maintenance of some forumotion domain names. Empty Technical maintenance of some forumotion domain names.

Post by The Godfather December 21st 2011, 11:52 am


For information, we make a technical maintenance on some forumotion domain names.

To ensure the availability and stability of the forums including the concerned domain names in the composition of their Internet addresses, we made a transparent redirection for your users to another domain names.

No loss of content, data or users are to be expected. Especially since we'll automatically make a redirection of users in each forum to the new address. This transfer will also ensure a better stability during maintenance sessions. Wink

The founders that did not want to be redirected to the new domains can obviously change the address for the forum through the admin panel>> General>> Forum Address. A multitude of domain names are offered for free. Think you can potentially benefit from a better ranking choosing a domain name close to the main topic of your forum. Wink

Forums with a custom domain name purchased through Forumotion and having forced the redirection of the url will not be affected by this transfer.

domain names affected by this transfer are:

Technical maintenance of some forumotion domain names. 21-12-11

For example:

myforum.original-domain.tld >> redirect, and will be fully available on>>

We apologize for the inconvenience

Forumotion staff
The Godfather
The Godfather

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Technical maintenance of some forumotion domain names. Empty Re: Technical maintenance of some forumotion domain names.

Post by midoweb96 December 23rd 2011, 8:11 pm

This was bad for us .

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Technical maintenance of some forumotion domain names. Empty Re: Technical maintenance of some forumotion domain names.

Post by adryan94 December 24th 2011, 11:45 am

Yes ! Bad for we .

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Technical maintenance of some forumotion domain names. Empty Re: Technical maintenance of some forumotion domain names.

Post by stevehp December 28th 2011, 12:41 pm

fiuuuuhh lucky for us
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Technical maintenance of some forumotion domain names. Empty Re: Technical maintenance of some forumotion domain names.

Post by EgY Ghost December 29th 2011, 2:23 pm

Thank you
Best Regards
EGy Ghost
EgY Ghost
EgY Ghost
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