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    Adding a poll

    New Member

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    Adding a poll Empty Adding a poll

    Post by kim1234 December 23rd 2011, 1:03 am

    Can I add just a poll to my Forum (as Admin)?
    Or does a poll always have to be attached to a thread?
    If I can add just a poll, where people can vote vute BUT not leave messages, how wold I do that?

    Or, if a poll must only be added with a thread, how can I make it so no one can add a message?

    I added a poll to a thread, but when I locked it, no one could vote in the poll.

    (Hope this makes sense!)

    Thank you.
    PorkyPine V10
    PorkyPine V10

    Male Posts : 387
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    Adding a poll Empty Re: Adding a poll

    Post by PorkyPine V10 December 23rd 2011, 1:06 am

    edit the post
    Jessica C
    Jessica C

    Female Posts : 86
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    Adding a poll Empty Re: Adding a poll

    Post by Jessica C December 23rd 2011, 1:06 am

    you have to create a new topic to add a poll

    there isn't a way to prevent members from leaving messages but still being able to vote.

    However, I suggest you put in your topic (the first and only post) something like"

    "You are not allowed to post. Please only vote. Any posts will be removed"