by LGforum January 14th 2012, 2:10 pm
Rideem3 that would be a VERY long way and uneccessary way of doing that.
It can be done with a simple template edit.
So find this in your view_topic template:
- Code:
<div class="user-info">
<!-- BEGIN profile_field -->
<!-- END profile_field -->
And right above it put this:
- Code:
<div onclick="jQuery(this.parentNode.nextSibling).slideToggle();jQuery('.togglestats').toggle();" class="togglestats">Show Stats</div>
<div onclick="jQuery(this.parentNode.nextSibling).slideToggle();jQuery('.togglestats').toggle();" class="togglestats"style="display:none">Hide Stats</div>
And your done. This will toggle the information under each member individually.
Where it says 'Hide Stats' and 'Show Stats' you can replace with your images.