Why Cant I Convert My Forum To Look A Real Blog? Hitskin_logo Hitskin.com

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    Why Cant I Convert My Forum To Look A Real Blog?

    New Member

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    Why Cant I Convert My Forum To Look A Real Blog? Empty Why Cant I Convert My Forum To Look A Real Blog?

    Post by Focker January 23rd 2012, 10:08 pm

    It seems Forumotion and sosblogs are from the same developers. I want to take my established forum and covert to a blog with the layouts (themes) found at "sosblogs".

    Trying for hours and I'm just not getting it...Or it can't be done...Or I'm a goof.

    I did the blog config.
    Categories and forums.
    Transform a forum to a blog and so on...

    It just looks like a forum with the blog style date stamp...Barf! Thumb down

    Thank you in advance for your support.


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    Why Cant I Convert My Forum To Look A Real Blog? Empty Re: Why Cant I Convert My Forum To Look A Real Blog?

    Post by MrMario January 24th 2012, 2:56 am


    The option to turn a forum into a blog isn't going to be the same as SosBlog since its two different types of software.