emails.. nomails... reject emails  Hitskin_logo

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2 posters

    emails.. nomails... reject emails


    Male Posts : 179
    Reputation : 5
    Language : English / Portugues / Brazilian / Spanish
    Location : UK

    In progress emails.. nomails... reject emails

    Post by Kabbalien Thu 2 Feb - 21:04

    Following the incidents of the .nomail appear in all hotmails and live emails accounts
    (read here)

    I facing now a typical problem from this forum... No one receive the forum news letter !!
    (very old story Sad

    I am very tired of this game !

    I dont want to report this as a problem because I know by now, that is a wast of time. PLUS... google mail, hotmail, yahoo, live and all the big email accounts have blocked mass emails, wish makes the account owners dont receive the emails unless they save the forum email in the trusted list.

    Want I really want to know, is how can I send PM to all the forum members at once ? if PM everyone is not possible, PLEASE give me other option as I send my news letter and I do receive ALL the messages as REJECTED !

    Any light to this ?

    Last edited by Kabbalien on Thu 2 Feb - 21:05; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : update)

    Male Posts : 22186
    Reputation : 1839
    Language : test

    In progress Re: emails.. nomails... reject emails

    Post by MrMario Thu 2 Feb - 23:08


    There are known issues with Email provides that users aren't getting emails. Forumotion is working on it. Its been a continued issue.

    If you want to send a PM to all members, add to them a group and send them a group PM. Use the auto join option for the group with 0 post.

    Also if users don't get emails from your forum, check spam/junk folder and added to safe list.

    Male Posts : 179
    Reputation : 5
    Language : English / Portugues / Brazilian / Spanish
    Location : UK

    In progress Re: emails.. nomails... reject emails

    Post by Kabbalien Thu 2 Feb - 23:33

    Thanks Mario...
    1- I use a different email. I do send emails from the forum but is under one of my own emails ( in this case they will have to add my email not forumotion email... right ?

    2- am confuse with the PM group !? This is the same way I
    send an email to all members ?

    Male Posts : 22186
    Reputation : 1839
    Language : test

    In progress Re: emails.. nomails... reject emails

    Post by MrMario Fri 3 Feb - 0:00

    It would be the since its Forumotion software.

    You'll see the option when you create a PM as long as you said allow group PM in the group settings.