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Gimpy Cat
6 posters

    Members invalid email notice

    Gimpy Cat
    Gimpy Cat

    Posts : 159
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    Language : english
    Location : Tasmania

    Solved Members invalid email notice

    Post by Gimpy Cat April 18th 2012, 1:28 am

    A member on my forum has suddenly been banned, when I looked at her acct I noticed her email address has been changed, it now has her name@nomail this is not her email acct and she didnt change her profile/member info. I tried to change her email back to her real one and it wont let me, keeps giving me the "Sorry, but this e-mail address is invalid." message

    Attention Staff
    This topic has been split from another thread that was not the same problem as the above.
    Member has been sent a pm to the new thread link.

    Male Posts : 252
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    Solved Re: Members invalid email notice

    Post by +Fusion- April 18th 2012, 2:52 am

    lol this happened to me too,but i was banned and im the owner
    Gimpy Cat
    Gimpy Cat

    Posts : 159
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    Location : Tasmania

    Solved Re: Members invalid email notice

    Post by Gimpy Cat April 18th 2012, 2:55 am

    She has been an active member since Sept 08, her email is ameritech and has always been the same acct since the day she joined. She didnt change her email address but it has been altered yet doesnt show in the moderation log, it has been reset as a 'nomail' address and I cant change it back to her real address. Her ameritech email address is real and active, Ive been speaking with her on it about the issue and Ive known her for 12yrs, she has had the same ameritech addy all this time.

    Male Posts : 11037
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    Language : English,Vulcan,Klingon, Romulan,& Gorn

    Solved Members invalid email notice

    Post by kirk April 18th 2012, 3:27 am

    Gimpy Cat next time please be sure what ever problem you are having is the same thing presented in a topic, Because now we have two different problems being handled in one thread. This creates more confusion and is taking away from the initial topics inquiry.

    Gimpy Cat wrote:A member on my forum has suddenly been banned, when I looked at her acct I noticed her email address has been changed, it now has her name@nomail this is not her email acct and she didnt change her profile/member info. I tried to change her email back to her real one and it wont let me, keeps giving me the "Sorry, but this e-mail address is invalid." message

    This dose not sound like the same problem.
    What email host is she using, and be sure the email she wants to use in indeed valid.

    Sometimes people can register with fake emails and never have the account activated because you cant activate something from somewhere thats fake.
    But if the admin goes in and activates such accounts thats a different story.

    So i am not sure what the case is here, Find out what email provider she is using and that her email address is real and active one.
    (deactivated email addresses would come up as invalid as well)

    Gimpy Cat wrote:She has been an active member since Sept 08, her email is ameritech and has always been the same acct since the day she joined. She didnt change her email address but it has been altered yet doesnt show in the moderation log, it has been reset as a 'nomail' address and I cant change it back to her real address. Her ameritech email address is real and active, Ive been speaking with her on it about the issue and Ive known her for 12yrs, she has had the same ameritech addy all this time.

    I never head of ameritech

    did you register or activate her when she joined.
    I know there are certain email providers that will come up as invalid not recognized by froumotion.. As far ameritech my guess is that has to be one of them since it will not allow you to change it.

    All we can do here is wait for another staff member reply that may have more information on this, or we can pass it on to a pro-admin.

    However if it is a email provider that is not recognized by formotion, The only option would be for her to create a new email that is recognized.. Like yahoo,Ms live, hotmail,gmail etc...

    I will try to see if there is a list a pro admin can provide for all email providers that are recognized, I am not sure if such a list exist but will ask.
    Gimpy Cat
    Gimpy Cat

    Posts : 159
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    Language : english
    Location : Tasmania

    Solved Re: Members invalid email notice

    Post by Gimpy Cat April 18th 2012, 3:51 am

    When I posted here I was'nt to know it was a different problem, a random user banned seemed to be the same problem to me as my member has been banned. I hoped by adding the email being changed information might help by, well, adding more information to the puzzle in hopes of it being sorted out. As a staff member here cant you split the topics?

    Ameritech is her ISP company, its a huge telecommunications company in america. I activated her back in 2008, I activate all members. She has used the same email acct/provider all these years. I dont know where the
    'nomail' email address attached to her membership has come from and neither does she, is it possible the forum has been hacked and the email address changed to re-route it or something?

    The member isnt recieving an invalid email address, she is recieving a banned notification message. She has been banned from the forum and not by admin. When I try to change her email address back to the real one as admin, Im the one who keeps getting the invalid email address yet it retains the .nomail one that was altered on her account.

    Perhaps passing it onto pro-admin would be a good idea, it would be appreciated. Thanks

    Male Posts : 11853
    Reputation : 566
    Language : English

    Solved Re: Members invalid email notice

    Post by Darren1 April 18th 2012, 4:04 am


    If the address has came up as. for example:, I will explain:

    This is perfectly normal, and expected behavior of your admin panel side, this is controlled by the developers themselves, they have personally written this script!
    Do NOT be alarmed by it, all emails sent to this address is still being successfully sent.
    This is a TEMPORARY resolution to emails not being sent to the address, being considered spam (thus arriving in the spam/junk box) or being delayed.
    The solution is well within the beta stage, but it is a difficult solution as there are many factors that are external to our control

    Good evening,

    The suffix .Nomail is a temporary solution currently setting up to prevent from sending mail to wrong addresses, false or inactive return errors on the servers.
    These malls are also a leading cause of Problems mail notifications of messages (delay) that you may encounter. Indeed, these emails may be considered spam, causing blockage of our servers by sending webmails.

    To summarize, the suffix .Nomail is added to the email addresses erroneous, false or inactive.
    You should expect tis to show up up the domains of hotmail or yahoo

    Please be patient, the issue will be corrected when possible Wink

    Gimpy Cat
    Gimpy Cat

    Posts : 159
    Reputation : 2
    Language : english
    Location : Tasmania

    Solved Re: Members invalid email notice

    Post by Gimpy Cat April 18th 2012, 4:09 am

    Her address was previously, using your example and has been her only email addy for years

    now her address on the forum is showing as darren@nomail

    But how is this causing her to be banned all of a sudden?


    Male Posts : 51498
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    Solved Re: Members invalid email notice

    Post by SLGray April 18th 2012, 6:09 am

    Have you check the ban list to see if she is on it?

    Members invalid email notice Slgray10

    When your topic has been solved, ensure you mark the topic solved.
    Never post your email in public.
    Gimpy Cat
    Gimpy Cat

    Posts : 159
    Reputation : 2
    Language : english
    Location : Tasmania

    Solved Re: Members invalid email notice

    Post by Gimpy Cat April 18th 2012, 6:39 am

    She isnt on the ban list, not her IP, email addy or user Confused

    Male Posts : 11037
    Reputation : 653
    Language : English,Vulcan,Klingon, Romulan,& Gorn

    Solved Re: Members invalid email notice

    Post by kirk April 18th 2012, 6:46 am

    Gimpy Cat wrote:Her address was previously, using your example and has been her only email addy for years

    now her address on the forum is showing as darren@nomail

    But how is this causing her to be banned all of a sudden?

    Idk? something dose not seem to be adding up right,
    check the ban list,ip ban etc to make sure you do not have her in there.
    She cant be banned if she is not in/showing the list.

    and what is this nomail thing, your just using this as an example? why would you even change it to Darren? there has to be a simple solution but am unsure what you are doing.

    I mean you can change the email to whatever it allows you to and that would not ban her.
    You are trying to change her email the ACP profile right? Like your not logging into her account and trying to change it in there are you?

    If you like? You can pm sanket and ask him permission for you to set up a temp admin account for him to go in and check it out, We normally do not like requesting members to do this but sometimes it's the only way to find out whats wrong and if a tech or pro-admin is needed.

    So if you like you can create a new account, make it a admin and send either me or sanket the user name and pass to log in and take a look at, You can then change the pass or delete the temp account when we are finished.

    If you rather have sanket do it, Be sure you message him first to ask him and he replies to your pm with the ok to do so.
    Other then that i can do it, or we are going to have to pass it on to a pro admin..

    I really can not suggest anything more at this point, It dont seem to be adding up to me, so either there is a major problem, Or it's just something silly you are over looking and or not doing correctly?

    If this ameritech is a large service provider in the U.S. then it should not be the email address, i have used cable vision, optimum online and Verizon in the past and they all worked fine so i do not see why this addresses would not if they are a big provider in America? I am north east so i never heard of them, Most likely because they do not provide or offer services in my area?

    Gimpy Cat wrote:She isnt on the ban list, not her IP, email addy or user Confused

    So then she is not banned, Have you checked your members list, she is still in there right.
    Are you sure she is not getting the suspicious activity message that comes up and ask her to provide the capatcha code in to prove she is human. It could be because the email was being changed so many times that it has now triggeredthe suspicious activity feature that works in the background?

    Do you still have her email address and way to contact her through your regular email.
    If so then you may have to change her password and try to log in her account.

    But before you go doing all that, be sure she is still indeed a member, and contact her first to ask what is happening when she tries to log in the forum.

    As of now i really have no way to even assume what may be happening until we know what is happening on her end when she tries to log in, So if she can log in great.. then we can focus on this email dilemma.
    Gimpy Cat
    Gimpy Cat

    Posts : 159
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    Language : english
    Location : Tasmania

    Solved Re: Members invalid email notice

    Post by Gimpy Cat April 18th 2012, 8:36 am

    I used the name 'darren' in my email example because I was replying to Darren who had posted and used the same example he did.

    No she isn't on the ban list at all in any area and she has been showing in the member list the whole time yet when she tries to log in she gets the banned message. Her daughter tried to log into the forum using her mothers username and password from a different computer/server/location and got the same ban message so I figure that rules out a glitch in the members personal computer (I'd had her clear her cache etc etc first of all) She is located in Ohio.

    She hasn't got any suspicious activity messages and the thing is, she never actually changed or tried to change her email address at all. I was the only one who tried to change her email address through Admin and it wouldn't allow me to put her 'real/original' address back into her profile. So it seems perhaps to be an issue with her email addy which has been in use since I set the forum up and she joined in 2008. Out of curiosity I just tried to replace this nomail email addy on her acct with my own personal email address (hotmail) and it accepted that, so then I changed the email address again and put her daughters email addy which is a one (she is also a member on the forum and one of my mods) the profile accepted that address so I have left it in place temporarily. I haven't changed her password or attempted to log into her acct using her details. I have only accessed her membership through Admin

    I have sent an email to the member and asked her to try and log in again, see if the different email that's been accepted will make a difference to her accessing the forum??

    Ive also asked her daughter to try and log in on her mothers behalf and if she recieves the ban or any other message I asked her to please take a screen shot for us, I think she should know how to do that, fingers crossed.

    If the changed email allows her access then she will have to get herself a new email acct, a broadly used well known one. If not I will change her password and see if I can get into her acct. She is a friend and so I have her regular email and can contact her, we have been discussing the issue via email today after she notified me she had been banned. If that all fails to work I'll get you or sanket onto the forum. I keep an acct open that I can use to go on the forum without it being known its me, someone can log in using it. Apologies if Ive missed something simple or arent clearer in my explanation, doing the best I can to explain it mwii . Cheers

    Gimpy Cat
    Gimpy Cat

    Posts : 159
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    Language : english
    Location : Tasmania

    Solved Re: Members invalid email notice

    Post by Gimpy Cat April 19th 2012, 12:54 am

    Darren1 wrote:Hi,

    If the address has came up as. for example:, I will explain:

    This is perfectly normal, and expected behavior of your admin panel side, this is controlled by the developers themselves, they have personally written this script!
    Do NOT be alarmed by it, all emails sent to this address is still being successfully sent.
    This is a TEMPORARY resolution to emails not being sent to the address, being considered spam (thus arriving in the spam/junk box) or being delayed.
    The solution is well within the beta stage, but it is a difficult solution as there are many factors that are external to our control

    Good evening,

    The suffix .Nomail is a temporary solution currently setting up to prevent from sending mail to wrong addresses, false or inactive return errors on the servers.
    These malls are also a leading cause of Problems mail notifications of messages (delay) that you may encounter. Indeed, these emails may be considered spam, causing blockage of our servers by sending webmails.

    To summarize, the suffix .Nomail is added to the email addresses erroneous, false or inactive.
    You should expect tis to show up up the domains of hotmail or yahoo

    Please be patient, the issue will be corrected when possible Wink

    Darren it would appear you hit the nail on the head - thank you! It turns out the company she uses for email was recently purchased by yahoo so Im thinking this is what has caused the nomail issue and in turn the banning. I have put her daughters email addy as a temporary fix and now she can get back onto the forum no problems. All she needs to do now is get a new email address.

    Thanks for all the help recieved, much appreciated

    Male Posts : 17922
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    Solved Re: Members invalid email notice

    Post by Jophy April 19th 2012, 11:40 am

    Completely solved? Smile
    Gimpy Cat
    Gimpy Cat

    Posts : 159
    Reputation : 2
    Language : english
    Location : Tasmania

    Solved Re: Members invalid email notice

    Post by Gimpy Cat April 19th 2012, 1:43 pm

    Well the member has been able to get back onto the forum with no problems, Ive had her create a new email acct and put that in her profile and it all seems to be working so far

    Male Posts : 17922
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    Location : Somewhere

    Solved Re: Members invalid email notice

    Post by Jophy April 19th 2012, 2:02 pm

    Feel free to open a new topic for further questions. Smile

    Solved => Moved

      Current date/time is September 22nd 2024, 8:33 am