Rogue Admin deleted all Admin account and locked forums... Please Help Hitskin_logo

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    Rogue Admin deleted all Admin account and locked forums... Please Help

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    Rogue Admin deleted all Admin account and locked forums... Please Help Empty Rogue Admin deleted all Admin account and locked forums... Please Help

    Post by nme-muerte April 26th 2012, 5:58 pm

    Hello, I am the creator of There was a person who got disgruntled and used a spouse's admin account to hack my forum. I have tried to log in to the admin account which is my personal email but can't get in. Please Help! I can confirm my identity if needed through the email used to create the admin account. Please contact me asap my gaming clan is in complete disarray. Thank you!

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    Rogue Admin deleted all Admin account and locked forums... Please Help Empty Re: Rogue Admin deleted all Admin account and locked forums... Please Help

    Post by Jophy April 26th 2012, 6:02 pm


    Can you reach into the forum utilities and perform a back up?:
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    Rogue Admin deleted all Admin account and locked forums... Please Help Empty I can't seem to get in...

    Post by nme-muerte April 26th 2012, 6:07 pm

    I can't seem to get in can you send a password reset to the email I used to create the founder account please? I can still access the email account I used I just need the founder pass reset.

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    Rogue Admin deleted all Admin account and locked forums... Please Help Empty Re: Rogue Admin deleted all Admin account and locked forums... Please Help

    Post by Jophy April 26th 2012, 6:11 pm


    Please click the link on my signature that says 'Lost your Founder password' and follow further instructions, for now, contact Leeloo for password reset (as she's currently online and I'll be taking my rest for now)
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    Rogue Admin deleted all Admin account and locked forums... Please Help Empty Done

    Post by nme-muerte April 26th 2012, 7:11 pm

    I sent her 2 PMs with the necessary information and a brief summary of my situation. I am not sure if the messages reached her but I can try to send another, perhaps this is because this is my first post on these forums. I will Make a post in the "introduce yourself" section to see if that fixes it. Thanks for your help I will wait for the reply. Smile
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    Rogue Admin deleted all Admin account and locked forums... Please Help Empty I can't seem to get in...

    Post by nme-muerte April 26th 2012, 8:31 pm

    I tried the password I have for admin account and it says the account is inactive...

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    Rogue Admin deleted all Admin account and locked forums... Please Help Empty Re: Rogue Admin deleted all Admin account and locked forums... Please Help

    Post by Jophy April 27th 2012, 4:35 am

    Please don't double/triple post. Your post need to be separated by 24 hours before bumping, replying or adding more information. Please use the edit button instead!

    Did the new password arrived on your creation e-mail and have you tried it?
    New Member

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    Rogue Admin deleted all Admin account and locked forums... Please Help Empty Re: Rogue Admin deleted all Admin account and locked forums... Please Help

    Post by nme-muerte April 27th 2012, 8:26 am

    Yes thank you!

    Male Posts : 17924
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    Rogue Admin deleted all Admin account and locked forums... Please Help Empty Re: Rogue Admin deleted all Admin account and locked forums... Please Help

    Post by Jophy April 27th 2012, 9:09 am

    Is it solved?