My Admin Account Got Deleted Hitskin_logo

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2 posters

    My Admin Account Got Deleted


    Posts : 37
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    Language : English

    My Admin Account Got Deleted Empty My Admin Account Got Deleted

    Post by jesus77755 August 20th 2011, 11:59 pm

    Okay, my forum which i talked about before, well my admin account got deleted because i made my member "rommel" an administrator, and i don't know if he banned me or not, my admin account name is "Admin", and I tried to sign in and typed in my password and username, and I press logged in and it says, "You have specified an incorrect or inactive username, or an invalid password." So what I did was I went to the member list and I found out that my admin username wasn't showing which is "Admin", here go to my forum (the link above) and go to members list, my username is "Admin", you will notice it's not there. Please admins and moderators, you got to help me!!! This is a very serious question and i need answers, I took me 6 months to get all these members!!! Please this is not no joke, like i'm playing around, this is serious! I need help really fast!!! Crying or Very sad

    Male Posts : 11037
    Reputation : 653
    Language : English,Vulcan,Klingon, Romulan,& Gorn

    My Admin Account Got Deleted Empty Re: My Admin Account Got Deleted

    Post by kirk August 21st 2011, 7:56 am

    it's most likely related to this problem here.

    earlier today my account here on forumotion support was the same way.
    i dint even exist.. so they are trying to fix and sort everything out.
    Be sure to check the link above for any updated info

    or continue here.

    Locked due to the fact there are to may threads started on the same thing