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Duel Academy Legends

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Duel Academy Legends Empty Duel Academy Legends

Post by LostLegend April 29th 2012, 1:19 am

Choice of the category: Games and RPG
Choice of a title: Duel Academy Legends
Forum address:
Main language: English
Forum description:

Duel Academy Legends DAL


Progress to the ultimate dorm – Exodia Victory
Become a duelling legend in the duelling world
Buy unique shop items such as glowing names
Win the DAL Championships and be rewarded
Talk about Yu-Gi-Oh! to your heart’s content
Obtain multiple achievements and awards
Be spellbound by the brilliant graphics
Roleplay in the world of Yu-Gi-Oh!
Become a teacher or a judge
Join any team you desire
Take and pass exams
Enjoy fun events
Join Duel School
Learn as you duel
Be taught by the best
Meet a brilliant community
Duel with experienced players
Buy deck lists, graphics and more
Duel against your friends and rivals
Duelling skill progression is easy visible
Take part in tournaments, tag and single duels
Become the best of the best and join DAL's team

Sign Up Now!

Last edited by LostLegend on June 4th 2012, 2:14 pm; edited 2 times in total

Posts : 922
Reputation : 23
Language : English

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Duel Academy Legends Empty Re: Duel Academy Legends

Post by LostLegend May 6th 2012, 3:36 pm

New Features:

- Updated Portal
- Introductory Tournament
- Some new graphics
- New userbars
- More items coming soon

Join DAL today!

Posts : 922
Reputation : 23
Language : English

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Duel Academy Legends Empty Re: Duel Academy Legends

Post by LostLegend May 13th 2012, 2:58 am

- Updated Portal
- Added ranks
- Added referral system
- Coming Soon: Duel School
- Coming Soon: Achievements
- Coming Soon: Moonlight Duels

- And more!

Posts : 922
Reputation : 23
Language : English

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Duel Academy Legends Empty Re: Duel Academy Legends

Post by LostLegend May 19th 2012, 2:48 pm

- Moonlight Duels only needs one more member to open
- Duel School may be introduced at 30 members instead of 50
- Achievements coming in 6 more members
- New polls
- New topics
- And more
- Join today!

[P.S. if you missed it, we have a mod on the team now]


Duel Academy Legends Moonlightduels-1

Moonlight Duels

It was a blazing hot summer's day when everything began to turn dark. The onlookers in the street all gawked at where the sun had been. In its place was the moon, appearing larger than ever before. However, that wasn't what attracted everyone's attention. Rather, it was the mysterious silhouette in front of the moon. Only the duelists knew what it was, and it was them that got the citizens to safety and put themselves in danger.

Loud sounds were heard between the city's dark alleyways. One by one, the duelists started vanishing. They were never seen again, and everyone knew it was only a matter of time before they were claimed. However, one person said they had solved the mystery. This person had been examining the locations of those whom had vanished, and a feature that was present at all of the sites was an open duel disk, cards scattered everywhere and sometimes even blood on the ground.

It's only a matter of time...

Can you unravel the mystery behind the Moonlight Duels and save everyone?


Posts : 922
Reputation : 23
Language : English

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Duel Academy Legends Empty Re: Duel Academy Legends

Post by LostLegend May 26th 2012, 12:21 am

- Achievements system implemented
- Introductory Tournament finished

Duel Academy Legends IntroTournWinners-1

Posts : 922
Reputation : 23
Language : English

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Duel Academy Legends Empty Re: Duel Academy Legends

Post by LostLegend June 2nd 2012, 5:12 pm

Duel Academy Legends Wcjpec

Spring/Summer 2012

Welcome to the first of many newsletters by Duel Academy Legends! These newsletters will be seasonal, so you should receive about four per year. If you are sent any other newsletters that attempt to emulate this one and contain suspicious links, please do not click them. This is the official version, so you can trust this.
In any case, please enjoy the newsletter, full of events, information and news!

Moonlight Duels

A shadow hangs over the world, as if it is bathed in a total eclipse. Meteorologists thought it was just a freak of the weather, but when the day didn't break again and the silhouette of a familiar figure appeared in front of the moon, the duelists knew what was up. However, one by one, they started vanishing. All that was left in their place were their duel disks, decks and sometimes even traces of blood. Can you solve the mystery behind the Moonlight Duels?

The first DAL-hosted tournament is proving to be popular! The duelists have already reached the Rocket Launch site and are now attempting to beat Judas' furiously-strong deck before he can get into the rocket and go to the moon! However, will this result in the loss of a duelist or two? The moon's so powerful now that if a duelist loses another duel, there is a potential for their soul to be sucked away...


DAL Ladder Championships

Duel Academy Legends DALLadderChamps

The second tournament hosted by DAL is almost as successful as Moonlight Duels! In this tournament, players start at rank 0. If two players of the same rank duel and one beats the other, the winner goes up a rank. If however, two players of a different rank duel each other, then the ranks of the players are swapped. This leads to a hectic tournament to win as much as possible and to become the best of the best!


Duel School

Duel Academy Legends DuelSchool-3

You asked for it, you got it! Duel School is finally here, with Hjalmarr as our first teacher! (He's also a judge if you didn't know Razz)
In Duel School, the best can teach the new players! Don't be afraid to step up to the bat of being a teacher either - we're always in need of one, as in Duel School, a new lesson will appear every week. There are also exams on the final week of each month for those of you who think that they are ready for the dueling world! Your efforts won't be in vain either - rewards exist for both the teachers and duelists.



Duel Academy Legends MoonlightMaster

If you don't know what an achievement is, you're missing out! These are images that can go into your signature, and they look awesome! Grab some today!
Limited-edition achievements are now available, such as Moonlight Master. If you haven't noticed, one of the achievements is a teaser for one of our upcoming events after Moonlight Duels: Back to the Duel!!


The Come-And-Gone Introductory tournament

Duel Academy Legends Introtourn

The introductory tournament was hard-fought with some epic duels, and an all-round great tournament. The victor Shin Katari proved himself among all competitors as the strongest duelist in this tournament. We wish to introduce more tournaments in the near future and if you want to take part, then be prepared... to get your game on!

Duel Academy Legends IntroTournWinners-1


Minor Updates

Alongside the other events we've had at DAL, there have been some minor updates.

- Quotes now appear in quick reply.
- A 'like' button exists in place of the + and - rep system we had.
- There is now a deck test forum for the budding deck testers.
- The image for 'lessons' has been changed.

There are many features in this academy in which will be useful to all kinds of duelists, from beginners to Legends. I hope you can all appreciate what's on offer. We try hard to make the community a more fun and excitable dueling experience for all. To help us change and improve why dont you vote in our recent poll?

I hope this newsletter has been a real help in unleashing the potential this academy holds. I take kindly to any suggestions offered by players/members on any improvements for this site or any suggestions on topics you would like to discuss.
Regards from your admin, DuelLegend.

Posts : 922
Reputation : 23
Language : English

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Duel Academy Legends Empty Re: Duel Academy Legends

Post by LostLegend June 26th 2012, 3:10 pm

Duel Academy Legends Wcjpec

Welcome to the Second Duel Academy Legends Newsletter!
In this newsletter we will cover the following:

Moonlight Duels: Results
Back to the Duel(BTTD)
New Staff
DAL Ladder Championships Results
Hjalmarr's Deck Competition!
Other Competitions
Roleplay Zone
New Updates
Off-Site Advertising

Moonlight Duels: Results

Duel Academy Legends Moonli10

Shin Katari
+50 LP for Participating
+50 LP for being a Staff MLD
+250 LP for surviving.

+50 LP for Participating
+50 LP for being a Staff MLD

+50 LP for Participating
+250 LP for Surviving

+50 LP for Participating

+50 LP for participating
+250 LP for surviving

+50 LP for participating
+250 LP for surviving

+50 LP for participating
+350 LP for being a Staff MLD

+50 LP for participating
+250 LP for being a Staff MLD

Thank you all for participating; now you can add on this moonlight user bar!



Back to the Duel

Duel Academy Legends BTTD

After the catastrophic events of Moonlight Duels, a new danger presents itself. Black holes are appearing all over the Earth, and as usual, only duelists understand what these are for. They are a portal to the past, to the precise location of Duelist Kingdom during the Honour of the King's Hand Tournament. However, this time... Yugi lost. Can you solve the mystery behind the black holes once more and restore the past to what it should have been?

The second DAL tournament is quite the twist as black holes begin to appear around Earth! The only way to stop this mayhem is to duel your way to the top to receive a total of 5 star chips from unwitting duelist who take to the forest. Will anyone be able to survive this daring forest, let alone make it into the castle!?

New Staff

Duel Academy Legends Newsta10

A forum Moderator oversees communication based activities. They are thus able to make decisions regarding the content of a thread; moving topics from one section to another to keep things organized. A Moderator has the power to lock, hide, pin, and move threads as well as take action to keep order in terms of disciplinary actions of a member. Thus Moderators are active and reliable staff members who help the forum and its members.

Congratulations to both Marrillian and Lelouch for being promoted to Moderator! As a Moderator they will deal with everyday forum issues and provide information about the Academy and/or Forums. If you have an questions feel to contact them...Also, don't forget that we are still accepting applications for Judges and Teachers. Click on the link below and fill out the application for your shot to become one!

DAL Ladder Championships Results

1st Place: 500 LP - Hjalmarr
2nd Place: 250 LP - Finly
3rd Place: 100 LP - Marrillian, Linards and Habee
Great Job To Everyone That Participated In This Event!
Hjalmarr's Deck Competition!

Hjalmarr Offered His Time/Effort to set up his own deck competition, The winners were
First place - 300 LP --- Finly & StalkerSam
Second place - 200 LP ---- SoulEater
Some Great Decks were sent in but those were the top ones. Hopefully another one will be hosted just like this one and give duellists an Opportunity/Motivation to make a new deck!
Other Competitions

We have alot of fun experiances for all members! Recently a posting competition was held to increase the post counts. Linards74 came out on top winning a whopping 200 LP, and this signature:

Don't miss your chance at an awesome prize like this! Simply ask any staff member if there is currently a competition going on. Remember that staff members have a different color than other members so use this legend to help you figure out who's staff.

Duel Academy Legends Staff_10


Roleplay Zone

Have you ever wanted to roleplay in the world of Yu-Gi-Oh?
If so, now's your chance! Meet 'Roleplay Zone', the new and refreshing roleplay system on DAL! Sign up is easy! Simply click on the picture and fill out the application. If accepted, well done and welcome, you're free to post!

Roleplay Application:
Duel Academy Legends Joiningapps


New Updates

Just a few updates to notify you of:

-Stopped the scrolling on the recent topics widget in the portal so you can see all the topics more quickly, and the page loads faster.
-Merged the graphics and decks forum, and put the special items in the resulting forum.
- Merged the Article Submissions with the Articles section
- Removed the restriction on making the topic so now anybody can make an article.
-Hosting a new image for the article section:

- We also have added the following requested forums.

  • Media and Graphics

Duel Academy Legends MediaandGraphics

Under the Off-Topic forum. Whether you're a fan of media or a hard core GFXer this is the forum for you!

  • Card Creation

Duel Academy Legends CardCreation

Konami,you forgot a card! What card is that exactly? You decide! Here you can post your own custom made cards and even deck ideas that go along with them! Have fun and remember that all cards have a beginning...

  • Gaming Arcade

Duel Academy Legends GamingArcade
The gaming arcade has kicked-off! So far we have already had one lottery winner . Congratulations Finly, we hope you enjoy your LP!


Off-Site Advertising

With every great thing there is a part two... Don't miss the second part of DAL where we adventure out of the forums into a Yu-gi-oh based collection on tumbler and you-tube, don't miss out!


So remember to stay tuned for current and upcoming events! This academy has an amazing community and I hope you all can appreciate what it has to offer!

Posts : 922
Reputation : 23
Language : English

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