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HeyBro! Empty HeyBro!

Post by noodle May 8th 2012, 1:03 am

Choice of category: Miscellaneous
Choice of title: HeyBro! : random ramblings for random people (this can be shortened to Heybro! If too long)
Forum adress:
Main language: English
Description: the sole purpose of this forum is to talk about absolutely anything, say what's on your mind, cure boredom, make friends, and to be random at all times! We talk just about anything! I am hoping there will be nore discussion soon over music, video games, and art. Our main attraction has been the forum games.
So far I am the only admin/mod. However I am searching for someone who would like to help design the website that more officially than I. . And to have fun aswell.
We have 7 members and 83 posts. . .looking for new additions!
Categories and forums:
Random shiz
-knock knock
-Teh Randomness
-Wanna play a game? >Very Happy
-Robot attack! (Music, games, ect.)
Serious business
-the:3 aeriousness
New Member

Female Posts : 7
Reputation : 1
Language : english
Location : under your bed

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HeyBro! Empty Re: HeyBro!

Post by noodle May 9th 2012, 11:16 pm

No longer looking for designer. .however, experienced forumers would be a nice addition because I still have no clue what I am doing! Its hard doing this from my phone.
What's new:
We have a new banner, a different theme (black), and new backgrounds
We added a new category for forum discussion
We have 9 members and 95 posts
. . .come check it out ^_~
New Member

Female Posts : 7
Reputation : 1
Language : english
Location : under your bed

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