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Tutorial Contributors

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Tutorial Contributors Empty Tutorial Contributors

Post by Base May 14th 2012, 9:58 am

Tutorial Contributors

Hello everyone,

The support forum is introducing a new rank called Tutorial Contributor. This rank is similar to the Helper rank that we already have, and it is our thanks to you for helping us. To earn this rank, you must submit five quality tutorials for this forum.

The tutorial contributor rank looks like: Tutorial Contributors Tutc10

But that's not all. If you submit ten then your rank will be changed to 10+ Tutorial Contributor: Tutorial Contributors Tutc1010

And if you submit twenty then your rank will be changed again to 20+ Tutorial Contributor: Tutorial Contributors Tutc2010

If you would like to submit a tutorial to the support forum, please send a private message to Base for review. Your tutorial will then be reviewed.

If your tutorial is accepted, you will be notified and your tutorial will be posted. It will also count towards your tutorial count. Please only send your message once unless there is something to add to the tutorial.

We have a zero tolerance policy on stealing / copying tutorials without permission. If you are found to be submitting tutorials that are not your own then you will be reminded. If you do this again, then any further tutorials you send will not be accepted.

Exclamation Please note that by being a Tutorial Contributor, you are not a staff member. You are still expected to follow our rules and act as a normal member.

Exclamation Please also note that only tutorials submitted from today will be counted.

Forumotion Team
A ForuMotion Important Announcement

Male Posts : 10383
Reputation : 1695
Language : English and French
Location : United Kingdom, England

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Tutorial Contributors Empty Re: Tutorial Contributors

Post by Base May 21st 2012, 7:55 am

Hello everyone,

I have made some changes to our tutorial contributor policy. Please note the following points:

  • Helpers cannot receive the tutorial contributor rank as they already have one rank. However, they do have the choice of which rank they would rather have.

  • People may work on tutorials together, but please note that any group tutorials will not count towards your tutorial count as it may be unfair.

  • Translations of other tutorials do not count, as you did not create the tutorial. Although you are more than welcome to translate a tutorial, provided that you have permission to do so beforehand.


Forumotion Team

Male Posts : 10383
Reputation : 1695
Language : English and French
Location : United Kingdom, England

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Tutorial Contributors Empty Re: Tutorial Contributors

Post by Base May 27th 2012, 12:41 pm

Hello everyone,

I would like to add a few extra points:

  • Please make sure that you clearly outline the title of your tutorial, the purpose of the tutorial and any other helpful information.

  • It is a good habit to make sure that your tutorial has good presentation, so that other users may be able to follow your tutorial easily.

  • The Forumotion Team reserves the right to make minor adjustments to your tutorial in order to correct any mistakes that may be in the tutorial.


Forumotion Team

Male Posts : 10383
Reputation : 1695
Language : English and French
Location : United Kingdom, England

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Tutorial Contributors Empty Re: Tutorial Contributors

Post by Base June 5th 2013, 6:09 am


This is a quick message to say that we will no longer be accepting tutorials with third-party scripts hosted on FMQuery or other forums. Thank you for your understanding.


Forumotion Team

Male Posts : 10383
Reputation : 1695
Language : English and French
Location : United Kingdom, England

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Tutorial Contributors Empty Re: Tutorial Contributors

Post by Base December 20th 2013, 8:23 am

December 20, 2013

Hello everyone,

The staff and I have decided to scrap the tutorial contributor rank for various reasons. However, members are still able to submit tutorials for review if they wish. A new topic explaining tutorial contribution will be made shortly. For any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you for understanding.



Male Posts : 10383
Reputation : 1695
Language : English and French
Location : United Kingdom, England

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