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E3 and Forumotion : your new video contest !

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E3 and Forumotion : your new video contest ! Empty E3 and Forumotion : your new video contest !

Post by Shadow Tue 22 May - 12:31

E3 and Forumotion : your new video contest !

The Electronic Entertainment Expo is invited on Forumotion Very Happy

E3 and Forumotion : your new video contest ! 31506o10

This annual exhibition bringing together fans of video games and computers, is the opportunity to discover the news of the most famous video game developers.
This year, the event will held on June 5 until June 7 and will still take place in Los Angeles.

We offer a contest that will allow the most creative of you to link this worldwide event to Forumotion services through a video.
The peculiarity of this contest is that the tone of the video is free and will depend on your imagination...

The 3 best works will be chosen to win a prize.

1st Prize : 5 000 credits
2nd Prize : 3 000 credits
3rd Prize : 2 000 credits

Share your video talents here and, above all, have fun ! You have until June 5 to submit your works Very Happy

Good luck to everyone, see you soon for the results Wink

A ForuMotion Important Announcement

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Reputation : 1832
Language : French, English

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