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2 posters

    Problem with Chrome and the Reply window

    New Member

    Posts : 3
    Reputation : 2
    Language : German

    Solved Problem with Chrome and the Reply window

    Post by Toxyna July 5th 2012, 11:08 pm

    So I recently installed a new Theme: 1Game (
    Added the Stylesheet, added the missing Icons/Pictures etc.

    Everything works fine while I use Firefox, but one of my Chrome users reported that his Reply-Field moves when he gets near the BBCode

    When he hovers his mouse over the smileys for a short while it goes back, at least till he gets near the BBCode Icons again

    Quick reply works just fine, but this makes editing longer posts quite hard :/

    Apparently this only happens since I installed the new Layout, so it has to be somewhere in the Stylesheet (I took the URLS of the Pics out)
    /*  phpBB 3.0 Style Sheet
       Style name:      subsilver2
       Based on style:   subSilver (the default phpBB 2 style)
       Original author:   subBlue ( )
       Modified by:      psoTFX and the phpBB team ( )
       This is an alternative style for phpBB3 for those wishing to stay with
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       Copyright 2006 phpBB Group ( )

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    /* BBCode
     ------------ */

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    /* Private messages
     ------------------ */
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    /* Chat
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       background-color: #ecd5d8 !important; /*

    Help would be appreciated Razz

    Last edited by Toxyna on July 6th 2012, 3:14 pm; edited 1 time in total
    New Member

    Posts : 3
    Reputation : 2
    Language : German

    Solved Re: Problem with Chrome and the Reply window

    Post by Toxyna July 6th 2012, 3:13 pm

    Has been resolved I just deleted the BBCode part out of the Stylesheet

    *Feel free to move this

    Male Posts : 48766
    Reputation : 2830
    Language : English
    Location : Mumbai

    Solved Re: Problem with Chrome and the Reply window

    Post by Sanket July 6th 2012, 9:04 pm

    Topic Solved & Locked

      Current date/time is September 23rd 2024, 10:22 am