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4 posters

    Forum only people with enough posts see it

    Alison DiLaurentis
    Alison DiLaurentis

    Posts : 44
    Reputation : 4
    Language : Slovenian

    Forum only people with enough posts see it Empty Forum only people with enough posts see it

    Post by Alison DiLaurentis August 3rd 2012, 8:58 pm

    How can i make a forum, that only people with enough posts see it.

    Please help.

    Alison DiLaurentis
    Alison DiLaurentis

    Posts : 44
    Reputation : 4
    Language : Slovenian

    Forum only people with enough posts see it Empty Re: Forum only people with enough posts see it

    Post by Alison DiLaurentis August 4th 2012, 1:10 am

    How do you do that?
    Sir Chivas™
    Sir Chivas™

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    Forum only people with enough posts see it Empty Re: Forum only people with enough posts see it

    Post by Sir Chivas™ August 4th 2012, 1:18 am


    Male Posts : 162
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    Location : Oregon

    Forum only people with enough posts see it Empty Re: Forum only people with enough posts see it

    Post by koimaster August 10th 2012, 5:46 pm

    Can you also do this for membership ranks? By this I mean, rather than having to change 1000 uesers with 50 posts or more from new member to member, Sr. member and on, is there a way to change their ranking as they hit those post numbers.

    I have to change new members ( yellow in color and in a group) manually everytime they hit a certain post count by removing them from the new user group, adding them to the member group and then changing the rank manually also.

    Male Posts : 17924
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    Forum only people with enough posts see it Empty Re: Forum only people with enough posts see it

    Post by Jophy August 10th 2012, 6:15 pm


    You cannot do this with ranks, you can however use the auto-subscribe groups where when a member reaches a certain amount, it will be transferred to that group, the tutorial is found here: