Why I can not thank the owner to post. I can only thank people respond to posts. Hitskin_logo Hitskin.com

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3 posters

    Why I can not thank the owner to post. I can only thank people respond to posts.

    New Member

    Posts : 3
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    Language : Thai

    Why I can not thank the owner to post. I can only thank people respond to posts. Empty Why I can not thank the owner to post. I can only thank people respond to posts.

    Post by ILT12939 December 19th 2009, 10:22 am

    Why I can not thank the owner to post. I can only thank people respond to posts.

    New Member

    Posts : 3
    Reputation : 0
    Language : Thai

    Why I can not thank the owner to post. I can only thank people respond to posts. Empty Re: Why I can not thank the owner to post. I can only thank people respond to posts.

    Post by ILT12939 December 19th 2009, 10:25 am

    How do you help me or not. Sad
    New Member

    Posts : 3
    Reputation : 0
    Language : Thai

    Why I can not thank the owner to post. I can only thank people respond to posts. Empty Re: Why I can not thank the owner to post. I can only thank people respond to posts.

    Post by ILT12939 December 19th 2009, 3:21 pm

    Help me plase. bwi

    Female Posts : 105
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    Location : Wales UK

    Why I can not thank the owner to post. I can only thank people respond to posts. Empty Re: Why I can not thank the owner to post. I can only thank people respond to posts.

    Post by Dunggate December 19th 2009, 4:53 pm

    Hello you click this link

    and can say thank you on that list.
    hope this help answer your question.


    Male Posts : 22186
    Reputation : 1839
    Language : test

    Why I can not thank the owner to post. I can only thank people respond to posts. Empty Re: Why I can not thank the owner to post. I can only thank people respond to posts.

    Post by MrMario December 19th 2009, 5:52 pm

    Why I can not thank the owner to post. I can only thank people respond to posts. Warnin11ILT12939, please don't triple post unless it’s been 24 hours from your last post.

    There is no other way of changing the feature.