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4 posters

    User can't post/respond to threads

    New Member

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    User can't post/respond to threads Empty User can't post/respond to threads

    Post by sabrinap11 June 29th 2009, 4:28 am

    One of my users all of a sudden cannot post new topics or respond to any topic (she can't send PM's either, etc). Here is her description of what is happening:

    I respond and type messages, but when I go to send them, it pops up and says "You must Type a Message" and all the stuff is gone that I just typed.

    Any ideas?
    Master Marc
    Master Marc

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    User can't post/respond to threads Empty Re: User can't post/respond to threads

    Post by Master Marc June 29th 2009, 4:40 am

    Please read this=>here

    And if they can't private message other members,check this please:

    Go to the member's profile Via Administration Panel=>Scroll down to Special admin-only fields=>Can send Private Messages=>Make sure that the option yes is ticked=>if it isn't,change it,and press the save button
    New Member

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    User can't post/respond to threads Empty Re: User can't post/respond to threads

    Post by sabrinap11 June 29th 2009, 2:09 pm

    Thanks for the reply but that is not the issue. This isn't a new member and it is only happening to her (not the whole forum). Everyone else is able to respond just fine. I did check her profile and she is set up correctly to send PM's.

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    User can't post/respond to threads Empty Re: User can't post/respond to threads

    Post by kirk June 29th 2009, 4:38 pm

    check in her the acp profile.
    admin panel>user/groups search for the member then click her name and check in the profile there.
    New Member

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    User can't post/respond to threads Empty Re: User can't post/respond to threads

    Post by sabrinap11 June 29th 2009, 10:09 pm

    kirk wrote:check in her the acp profile.
    admin panel>user/groups search for the member then click her name and check in the profile there.

    What am I checking for in her profile? Everything there looks normal to me - she looks exactly like every other user on my forum.

    Male Posts : 22186
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    User can't post/respond to threads Empty Re: User can't post/respond to threads

    Post by MrMario June 29th 2009, 10:11 pm

    Make her clean out her history cache etc....