Administrators' abillity to change a post's owner. Hitskin_logo

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4 posters

    Administrators' abillity to change a post's owner.


    Is it a good idea?

    [ 2 ]
    Administrators' abillity to change a post's owner. Bar_left67%Administrators' abillity to change a post's owner. Bar_right [67%] 
    [ 1 ]
    Administrators' abillity to change a post's owner. Bar_left33%Administrators' abillity to change a post's owner. Bar_right [33%] 

    Total Votes: 3
    Poll closed

    Male Posts : 32
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    Language : English

    Administrators' abillity to change a post's owner. Empty Administrators' abillity to change a post's owner.

    Post by StrikheeeeEEErr January 28th 2009, 15:44

    The title says it all...
    I thinnk the administrators in the forumotion forums should have the right to change a post's owner.
    Do you think it is a good idea?
    I don't see any negative effect...

    Male Posts : 48766
    Reputation : 2830
    Language : English
    Location : Mumbai

    Administrators' abillity to change a post's owner. Empty Re: Administrators' abillity to change a post's owner.

    Post by Sanket January 28th 2009, 15:47

    Sorry. No, that should not be possible in my opinion. Gives them too much control, can give a bad tool for admins to manipulate things.

    Male Posts : 181
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    Location : Third Star on the Left and on til Morning!

    Administrators' abillity to change a post's owner. Empty Re: Administrators' abillity to change a post's owner.

    Post by astrodene January 28th 2009, 16:22


    Female Posts : 6203
    Reputation : 128
    Language : English

    Administrators' abillity to change a post's owner. Empty Re: Administrators' abillity to change a post's owner.

    Post by Nessa January 28th 2009, 16:38

    As this has been suggested already, I will therefore lock this topic now. Wink
