Weird thick border around chatbox, footer color, and homepage message color. Hitskin_logo

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    Weird thick border around chatbox, footer color, and homepage message color.

    New Member

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    Weird thick border around chatbox, footer color, and homepage message color. Empty Weird thick border around chatbox, footer color, and homepage message color.

    Post by animaluv Tue Aug 14, 2012 3:14 am

    They are all kind of the same problem, because no matter what I do, they all wont change color.
    They don't work with the forum color and I'd really like to change them.

    Weird thick whitish-grayish border around chatbox screenie:

    Footer color and homepage message color screenie:

    Please help, like give me a code or something, anything. Sad


    Female Posts : 40
    Reputation : 1
    Language : English

    Weird thick border around chatbox, footer color, and homepage message color. Empty Re: Weird thick border around chatbox, footer color, and homepage message color.

    Post by wileycatpp Tue Aug 14, 2012 8:23 am

    Did you try changing the color in AP>> display >>Pics and colors>> click on the colors tab and try change the colors under background colors there are a bunch of options background color 1, background color 2, etc.

    Hope this helps
    New Member

    Posts : 7
    Reputation : 1
    Language : English

    Weird thick border around chatbox, footer color, and homepage message color. Empty Re: Weird thick border around chatbox, footer color, and homepage message color.

    Post by animaluv Tue Aug 14, 2012 3:24 pm

    That's the point, I have tried, and it doesn't work Sad