Changing how forum awards appear in the user's profile Hitskin_logo

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    Changing how forum awards appear in the user's profile

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    Changing how forum awards appear in the user's profile Empty Changing how forum awards appear in the user's profile

    Post by ScottieElisabeth August 15th 2012, 6:37 am

    Okay, so I used the wonderful Forumotion tut on how to implement a forum awards system. I have my awards, and have them set up to appear in messages, but I'd also like them to appear in the users' profiles. The only thing is, they simply stack in the profile, as shown.
    Changing how forum awards appear in the user's profile PhotoShare
    Is there any way to get them to go side by side instead? I've tried changing the orientation (no choice/back to line, etc) with no change.

    Male Posts : 48766
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    Changing how forum awards appear in the user's profile Empty Re: Changing how forum awards appear in the user's profile

    Post by Sanket August 15th 2012, 11:02 am

    Modify the profile field & check the box for messages as well. Save.
    Don't forget to hit replace the content.
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    Changing how forum awards appear in the user's profile Empty Re: Changing how forum awards appear in the user's profile

    Post by ScottieElisabeth August 15th 2012, 6:16 pm

    No...they already appear on the profile, and in messages...I want to CHANGE how they appear on the profile...

    Male Posts : 48766
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    Changing how forum awards appear in the user's profile Empty Re: Changing how forum awards appear in the user's profile

    Post by Sanket August 15th 2012, 6:47 pm

    Oh well the separator thing you mean, they aren't appearing in a line right? Earlier it used to be possible, i don't know whats the problem lately. I will ask Leeloo, if she can get this fixed.
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    Changing how forum awards appear in the user's profile Empty Re: Changing how forum awards appear in the user's profile

    Post by ScottieElisabeth August 16th 2012, 1:04 am

    Yes, instead of them showing up like they currently do on the profile (see screenshot), like this:


    I'd like them to show up like this:

    x x x

    Then, if you have like 50, it's 10 rows of 5 or something, rather than 50 rows.

    Male Posts : 16217
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    Changing how forum awards appear in the user's profile Empty Re: Changing how forum awards appear in the user's profile

    Post by Shadow August 16th 2012, 2:38 pm


    From what I've been told, it seems that it has never been possible to have it like :

    x x x

    I've now modified a little the appearance by selecting to display the advanced mode for the profiles.

    Thank you !
    New Member

    Female Posts : 19
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    Location : Arkansas, USA

    Changing how forum awards appear in the user's profile Empty Re: Changing how forum awards appear in the user's profile

    Post by ScottieElisabeth August 16th 2012, 6:24 pm

    So there's not a way to get them organized how I want?

    Thanks for looking into it. Smile