Add a fonts button in quick reply.  Hitskin_logo

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    Add a fonts button in quick reply.


    Male Posts : 121
    Reputation : 4
    Language : English

    Add a fonts button in quick reply.  Empty Add a fonts button in quick reply.

    Post by Arrow Sun 16 Sep 2012 - 17:37

    I want to add a fonts button to the quick reply that has a drop down with a list of fonts, much like the one when you are making a new topic or editing a post. Any help would be great.

    Male Posts : 121
    Reputation : 4
    Language : English

    Add a fonts button in quick reply.  Empty Re: Add a fonts button in quick reply.

    Post by Arrow Sun 16 Sep 2012 - 17:56

    Hi I tried that yesterday and it created the button, but when I pressed it nothing happened. Will try it again today encase I missed something.