How do I create different hidden forums for different hidden groups? Hitskin_logo

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    How do I create different hidden forums for different hidden groups?

    New Member

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    Solved How do I create different hidden forums for different hidden groups?

    Post by forumadminewbie November 24th 2012, 12:57 am

    Although my topic may sound strange, my problem is not so strange.

    I have a new forum, and right now, we are a small amount of members chatting within a few forum sections that are hidden for anyone who isn't logged on.Pretty soon I am going to change that. People want to join and I'd like to open the forum up to anyone who wants to be there, but still keeping my cosy corner for those of us who talk about personal stuff.

    When people are logged on they can see most of the forum (except admin forum).
    But then I want my bunch of friends of about 20 ppl to be able to talk amongst ourselves in a hidden forum part.
    How do I do that?

    Can I use the "groups" thing? And how? What is the distinction from the regular member and a member of my group?

    Thanks for any help

    Male Posts : 328
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    Language : English | Spanish [1] | HTML

    Solved Re: How do I create different hidden forums for different hidden groups?

    Post by perfectSTORM! November 24th 2012, 1:08 am


    ACP>>Users & Groups>>Group Administration

    "Create New Group" >>

    Name: Whatever you'd like, will show in legend.
    Description: Can be blank, up to you.
    Group Moderator: You
    Color: Leave Blank
    Color Group Members: Leave Unchecked
    Group Order: What you want
    Group Status: Hidden

    No one will be able to know about the group unless you tell him if you do it like this.


    ACP>>General>>Categories & Forums

    Click the How do I create different hidden forums for different hidden groups? Ajouter button to make a new forum or category.

    What Kind of forum do you want: Forum
    Forum Name: What you want
    Attached To: What you want
    Position this forum after: What you want
    Copy Forum Permissions: What you want
    **Then complete the rest of the settings, as you like.

    Hit save


    Here's what you were talking about. Use the group you made first and only allow them to see the forum, by checking only their box in the table for "View & Read". Then edit the rest to your likings.

    Hope this helps!
    New Member

    Posts : 22
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    Language : English

    Solved Re: How do I create different hidden forums for different hidden groups?

    Post by forumadminewbie November 24th 2012, 1:33 am

    Thanks so much. And you're sure I can do these things even with only the simplest kind of forum?

    Male Posts : 328
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    Language : English | Spanish [1] | HTML

    Solved Re: How do I create different hidden forums for different hidden groups?

    Post by perfectSTORM! November 24th 2012, 1:45 am

    Yeah. Smile
    New Member

    Posts : 22
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    Language : English

    Solved Re: How do I create different hidden forums for different hidden groups?

    Post by forumadminewbie November 24th 2012, 2:07 am

    Yayyyy!! Thanks thanks thanks!

    Male Posts : 328
    Reputation : 8
    Language : English | Spanish [1] | HTML

    Solved Re: How do I create different hidden forums for different hidden groups?

    Post by perfectSTORM! November 24th 2012, 2:49 am


    To Moderators: This topic is solved. Smile

    Male Posts : 48766
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    Language : English
    Location : Mumbai

    Solved Re: How do I create different hidden forums for different hidden groups?

    Post by Sanket November 24th 2012, 8:14 am

    Topic Solved & Locked