HTML on Sub forum Hitskin_logo

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    HTML on Sub forum

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    HTML on Sub forum Empty HTML on Sub forum

    Post by Gerard February 6th 2013, 11:13 pm

    I've added background music to a homepage by entering HTML code in the Homepage message section. It also worked for me by entering it as the description for one of my sub forums. Is it possible to add it so that music will play in one sub forum only? I tried putting it in the sub forum rules section but it just displays the code.

    Posts : 375
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    Language : EN

    HTML on Sub forum Empty Re: HTML on Sub forum

    Post by RPM February 7th 2013, 3:02 am

    Gerard wrote:I've added background music to a homepage by entering HTML code in the Homepage message section. It also worked for me by entering it as the description for one of my sub forums. Is it possible to add it so that music will play in one sub forum only? I tried putting it in the sub forum rules section but it just displays the code.
    Do you mean just 1 section? I think you would need a new Javascript code.
    New Member

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    HTML on Sub forum Empty Re: HTML on Sub forum

    Post by BubbleDreams February 9th 2013, 1:00 am

    You should use Javascript. So, go to specific sub-forum & from URL of the sub-forum copy just part which begins with f and ends with -. Example: only copy this: f43-
    var url=document.URL;
    if(url.indexOf('part of subforum url')!=-1) {
    $('body').append('Background music code');
    For any questions, just ask. Smile