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    I have no accesses

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    I have no accesses Empty I have no accesses

    Post by silent_hunter February 8th 2008, 6:24 pm

    i create a free forum www.warezw.forumw.biz
    but i don't know why my forum block i have no accesses when i type my forum address in address bar forumotion home page open what would i do know please help i think i loss my forum i don't why but still my forum motion free domain did not working

    Last edited by on February 8th 2008, 6:56 pm; edited 2 times in total

    Male Posts : 6106
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    I have no accesses Empty Re: I have no accesses

    Post by Luky February 8th 2008, 6:27 pm

    Hi, your title being non explicit and therefore not facilitating research via the search option, I'm not answering (nor is any other member Wink) until you change your title for an explicit one, related to your problem Wink
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    I have no accesses Empty Re: I have no accesses

    Post by silent_hunter February 8th 2008, 6:33 pm

    i did int understand

    Male Posts : 6106
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    Post by Luky February 8th 2008, 6:41 pm

    You need to change the tile of your topic to something that is related to your problem or else no one will answer.This way other members who might have the same problem that you do can use the search option and find this topic.
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    I have no accesses Empty Re: I have no accesses

    Post by silent_hunter February 8th 2008, 7:01 pm

    I change my tittle will you pleae help me what is this ????

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    Post by travis_cooper February 8th 2008, 7:10 pm

    I think when that happens it means you have done something to violate the terms of conditions. You should be contacted by the admin to let you know why and how you can fix it. Somebody else correct me if I'm wrong, but that is what I have seen happen with others.

    Male Posts : 6106
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    I have no accesses Empty Re: I have no accesses

    Post by Luky February 8th 2008, 7:34 pm

    Well from your forum address I think your forum was about warez and therefore was deleted for breaking the TOS.
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    I have no accesses Empty Re: I have no accesses

    Post by silent_hunter February 8th 2008, 7:58 pm

    but no body warn us in cause we are going wrong even no emails comes on my account now forum deleted but we have many users on them Ok we break the tOS just bcoz of we did not know any Tos but i will fix my forum as you are rule is there a way restore my forum i will remove all warez things on my forum and make it a chit chat community forum as forummotion rules

    I have no accesses Empty Re: I have no accesses

    Post by Guest February 8th 2008, 8:10 pm

    Luky wrote:Well from your forum address I think your forum was about warez and therefore was deleted for breaking the TOS.
    Yet search in forumotion put in warez in the search box and 17 sites are listed,put in hacking and 1 site is listed,put in porn and the same thing.
    Come on admins it doesn't take a lot of time to do a search and delete the offending forums. scratch
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    I have no accesses Empty Re: I have no accesses

    Post by silent_hunter February 8th 2008, 8:29 pm

    i will change every thing even my side address but now i have to inform my all user they did not know what happened to our side please allowed us to correct our mistakes
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    I have no accesses Empty Re: I have no accesses

    Post by Eximma February 8th 2008, 9:03 pm

    Your forum has been deleted because it was a warez forum, with film download links, etc... You can't restore it.

    There are certainly other warez or porn forums, but we can't delete all of them simply because we can't see them ! If you want to help us :

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    I have no accesses Empty Re: I have no accesses

    Post by silent_hunter February 8th 2008, 9:16 pm

    so u mean i loss all user and all comment stuff on my side and there is no going back ?????????
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    Post by Eximma February 8th 2008, 9:30 pm

    That's it, as it's writen in the TOS Wink

    Forums that does welcome or promote warez, piracy, hacking, cracking, spamming, attacks against networks or servers, pornography, racial hatred, crimes against humanity, inappropriate activities on the servers, or any other actions which violate any applicable laws, aren’t allowed. Any forum which contains texts, links, pictures, animations, videos or any other content recognized as illegal will be deleted without notice or warning. Forumotion.com reserves the right to delete any accounts or forums considered like not conform to the rules quoted here or specified in Forumotion.com or in the international website rules according to the international internet law. Any illegal content or act can or would be reported to the concerned services and prosecuted.
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    I have no accesses Empty Re: I have no accesses

    Post by silent_hunter February 9th 2008, 11:59 am

    thanks Eximma

    can i create a new forum with same name & inform my all user what is happening and then change my forum address As your TOS ????
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    Post by Eximma February 9th 2008, 12:23 pm

    I don't know if you can use this address again... Try and you will see.

    However, if you create a new one, please respect this time the TOS (or you know what will happen again...). All your members, information, etc... will be lost Wink
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    Post by silent_hunter February 9th 2008, 12:30 pm

    Ok I will respect the TOS Crying or Very sad

    I have no accesses Empty Re: I have no accesses

    Post by Guest February 9th 2008, 9:02 pm

    I would report them all, but the "new" system of reporting would mean me spending over an hour to do it!
    Time which I just cannot spare.
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    Post by Eximma February 10th 2008, 1:30 pm

    If really you don't want to use it, send the links by PM to a member of the staff Wink

    But because the main problem of this topic is solved now, I close Wink