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icon behind the moderator symbol in chatbox.

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Solved icon behind the moderator symbol in chatbox.

Post by Goppyrules May 1st 2013, 9:54 pm

icon behind the moderator symbol in chatbox. JcvpQ1X

is there a way i can have the messages in the chatbox to have it like this format in message box

icon @nameofuser

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Solved Re: icon behind the moderator symbol in chatbox.

Post by Ultron's Vision May 2nd 2013, 8:06 am

You can add this following line to your forum's CSS stylesheet:

#chatbox a[href="/u(your userlink here)"] { padding-left: 13px; background-image: url('enter the image URL to an image here'); background-repeat: none; }
#chatbox_members a[href="/u(your userlink here)"] { padding-left: 13px; background-image: url('enter the image URL to an image here'); background-repeat: none; }

Remember that you need to replace (your userlink here) with your actual userlink number - usually a number from 1 counting upwards.
Also, the image you specify has to be minimally small - an icon, not more - so that you do not mess up your chatbox.
Ultron's Vision
Ultron's Vision

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Solved Re: icon behind the moderator symbol in chatbox.

Post by Goppyrules May 2nd 2013, 6:00 pm

thanks problem solved

Posts : 125
Reputation : 2
Language : english

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Solved Re: icon behind the moderator symbol in chatbox.

Post by Sir Chivas™ May 2nd 2013, 6:28 pm

Topic Locked & Archived.
Sir Chivas™
Sir Chivas™

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