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Strange bug?

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Strange bug? Empty Strange bug?

Post by Stryder Mon 3 Jun 2013 - 8:42

Hey guys,

Recently, I have been using my forum normally as I would do, which is just to post etc. But today when I was visiting my Forums, I clicked on a random place on my forum (Not a Category) and it comes up with a new page, which takes me to http://www.malware-site.www/ .. I don't know what this is .. I haven't changed anything in my forum :\

My Forum:

Edit: It's started to happen even when I connect to my Forum now..
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Strange bug? Empty Re: Strange bug?

Post by Derri Mon 3 Jun 2013 - 8:53


This is known issue, you can read about it here:

What you need to do is remove these codes that you've got installed on your forum.

You've probably got one of these codes installed, you need to remove them,

If you're having trouble accessing your admin control panel then you can try accessing your admin control panel from here.

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