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hide topics and replies and last post only to the second category

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In progress hide topics and replies and last post only to the second category

Post by narcotiq January 22nd 2014, 9:41 pm

hello, You helped me earlier with hiding the latest posts from one category only. Well, I made some major changes to the forum and now it works codes given to you. If you can help me fix the problem.
just want to hide the second category last post and topics and replies

#pun-visit + table .main-head:nth-child(3) + .forumbitBoxLeft .tcr, #pun-visit + table .main-head:nth-child(3) + .forumbitBoxLeft .tc2 { display:none; }

other code:

#1 .tcr, #1 .tc2 { display:none !important; }


jQuery(document).ready(function () { jQuery('#1 .tcr, #1 .tc2').remove() });

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In progress Re: hide topics and replies and last post only to the second category

Post by Ange Tuteur January 22nd 2014, 9:47 pm


Since you removed the category ID, it will become more difficult to do this. You will now instead have to use the string of text from your main head of the second category to achieve this. If you change those texts you will have to change them in the script also.

Replace your last script with the following one :
Administration Panel > Modules > HTML & JAVASCRIPT > Javascript codes management

jQuery(document).ready(function () { jQuery('.main-head:contains(Servere publice / Cereri / Activitate) + .forumbitBoxLeft .tc2, .main-head:contains(Servere publice / Cereri / Activitate) + .forumbitBoxLeft .tcr').remove() });

As I said you'll have to change these texts if you change the title of that category :
:contains(Servere publice / Cereri / Activitate)
Ange Tuteur
Ange Tuteur

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