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social chat network forum

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social chat network forum Empty social chat network forum

Post by mikeydt1 January 29th 2014, 12:01 pm

category - internet

name of site  - social chat network forum

site address -

language  -  english

description - a forum for people to discuss absolute anything from off topics, news, health, welfare, science, technology, sports, also includes a free chat room.  all welcome.

Male Posts : 56
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Language : english
Location : lancs

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social chat network forum Empty Incotalk social chat forum

Post by mikeydt1 February 1st 2014, 11:36 pm

If people aren't sure what this forum is about then basically it is a place where people can join and have a good rant (like facebook and twitter but forum based instead), with others about absolute anything for example off-topics, things going on in the news, benefits, health for the ailing, science and technology stuff to sports and so on.

The forum is new but everyone is invited to join and join in with discussions or even join to use the free built in chat.

If you have got nothing to do then bob along to the forum and even bring your friends.


Male Posts : 56
Reputation : 0
Language : english
Location : lancs

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