sending email to my users in my forum  Hitskin_logo

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    sending email to my users in my forum

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    In progress sending email to my users in my forum

    Post by josephjdeluca March 18th 2014, 10:49 pm

    Shocked  Sad 
    I am not sure if there is a help page here or not on the issue I am having, I searched and searched and couldn't find anything.
    So if in fact this question has been asked before sorry for asking again..  Embarassed 

    Anyway my problems is this, I noticed that when a new member came in, I went to send them a message by hitting send email, once I get there the box where I type my message the box is black, can't see if I am typing or what typed. I was able to send them a PM and Submit  a message on the there board messages, but can't seem to figure out why I would have a black box.
    Here is the link to that page so that your able to see what exactly what I mean.
    Sir Chivas™
    Sir Chivas™

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    In progress Re: sending email to my users in my forum

    Post by Sir Chivas™ March 19th 2014, 12:36 am


    Can you please provide both: Screenshot of this issue and forum version which you're using?

    Thank you.

    Tip: Instead of sending a message to each new member, try this: Go to your Administration Panel, and follow this steps:

    ACP >> General >> Messages & Emails >> Private Messages >> Welcome private message * :

    This will be send to new members who barely join your forum, mate. However, make sure that this option: Allow welcome private message : is enable.

    Sir Chivas.