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The World of Magic Roleplay

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The World of Magic Roleplay Empty The World of Magic Roleplay

Post by Tinboh March 18th 2014, 2:48 am

1. Choice of Category: Games & RPG

2. Choice of title: Magi: The World of Magic Roleplay

3. Forum address:

4. Main Language: English

5. Forum Description: Situated within the magical world created by Shinobu Ohtaka, The World of Magic Roleplay invites everyone to create their very own Magi story! Create your very own original character on this Magi Roleplay site, and participate in completely original stories based off of the anime/manga's various concepts. Choose from several races and classes, capture dungeons and obtain Djinn, create your own abilities, and in the future maybe you'll be able to rule one of the six countries! Join now and start your very own Magi journey along with other members!

Posts : 42
Reputation : 1
Language : English

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