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#857 Spacing problems

Pizza Boi
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Solved #857 Spacing problems

Post by Pizza Boi March 31st 2014, 10:33 am

Hi Very Happy

Okay, so I'm pretty sure my spacing for this topic will go kaput now so I'm going to present 2 screen shots: (Also, I didn't know where to post this...)

You see in this screen:

#857 Spacing problems  Weird_10 how I typed the texts, correct?

Now here, is the general output:

#857 Spacing problems  Weird_11

The spacing is removed. Anyway, I know this problem shouldn't be disturbing too much, but it IS to me bwi . I plan on writing my forum announcements in a topic instead of an HTML/CSS table and if this problem goes outside of the general forum (This one), then I won't as of now post in my forum Crying or Very sad .

I noticed this problem after I posted here: and ever since then, when I clicked on the topics I posted again, my spacing gets removed like here What the fuck ?!? : (I input a space in case these 2 get aligned).

I also checked my profile and noticed that some of the topics I started got affected as well and I'm fully aware that I am using the right settings in the editor, so is this a bug for anyone else or is it just me? Because if ever, please try to check everything before you say I'm the only one so that I can have proper validation  :wouhou: .

Pizza Boi
Pizza Boi
Pizza Boi

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Solved Re: #857 Spacing problems

Post by DaDwarf March 31st 2014, 11:01 am

This is happening on my own forum too and it's extremely annoying. We RP with different characters and the 'enters' are a line between each character for us. Would like a fix soon.
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Solved Re: #857 Spacing problems

Post by cardiffmb March 31st 2014, 11:08 am

Yes this is happening on my forum too - it has only just started so I assume it must be a wider problem?
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Solved Re: #857 Spacing problems

Post by Pizza Boi March 31st 2014, 11:13 am

Hi Very Happy

Yes, all of you are right (I'm so glad I'm not the only one LOL ) and there's another topic for this but hopefully, everyone will post here instead so there's not much hassle.

Anyway, guys, please try enabling your HTML in messages and then in typing, add so it's a manual HTML break. If it does not work, then I don't know what else to do... (Actually, there's another way through scripting but that's a bigger hassle)

Pizza Boi
Pizza Boi
Pizza Boi

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Solved Re: #857 Spacing problems

Post by ifelthope1126 March 31st 2014, 11:32 am

Hello, I have noticed the same problem on my forum too. Hope it will be fixed soon! Thank you.

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Solved Re: #857 Spacing problems

Post by Pizza Boi March 31st 2014, 11:42 am

ifelthope1126 wrote:Hello, I have noticed the same problem on my forum too. Hope it will be fixed soon! Thank you.

Hi Very Happy

Please try the above method I posted and see if it works. We can use that as a supplement for the regular space for now:

<br />
<--- is for manual line break but you have to enable HTML for that.

Pizza Boi
Pizza Boi
Pizza Boi

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Solved Re: #857 Spacing problems

Post by Shadow March 31st 2014, 11:47 am


Infact, there is a problem. It has been reported to our technicians.

Many Thanks  :rose:  :rose:

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Solved Re: #857 Spacing problems

Post by Pizza Boi March 31st 2014, 11:57 am

Hi Very Happy

Okay, so while Buttercup and the technicians are working on that, if anyone has the problem and you're too lazy to input
<br />
all the time, I suggest putting a button for your forum.

This works for all version (Make sure HTML is ENABLED):

#1 Paste this in your ACP < Modules < HTML pages management < Create a new HTML (Choose advanced mode) < Title: BR < Paste the code below < Save:

jQuery('#thisButton').click(function(){jQuery('#text_editor_textarea').sceditor("instance").insertText("<br />"); });

Now, after you saved, in this portion: Link URL get the link of that page, for example: /h1-br. Make sure to replace /h1 to the # of the HTML page you have and include -br at all costs.

Now, let's go to ACP < Modules < Forum widgets management < Enable your widgets (If you are not using widgets, enable them temporarily for you to insert line breaks) < Create a new widget and paste this code:

<script type="text/javascript">jQuery(function(){
jQuery('<a id="thisButton" class="sceditor-button" unselectable="on" title="Line Break"><div unselectable="on" style="background-size:contain; background-image:url(IMAGE URL OF ICON); position:relative; top:2px;"></div></a>').insertBefore('.sceditor-button-size');

Things you can/have to change:

  • background-image:url(IMAGE URL OF ICON);
  • title="Line Break"
  • .insertBefore('.sceditor-button-size') /* Change the one INSIDE the bracket only or the placement of the button and always have ' and ' since it defines it.

Hope this helps for those who need the spacing so much Smile.

Edit: I forgot to indicate that in the things you can change, you HAVE to change this portion of the code:


To the appropriate /h#-br page you have in the link you got.

Pizza Boi
Pizza Boi
Pizza Boi

Male Posts : 2016
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Solved Re: #857 Spacing problems

Post by Ange Tuteur March 31st 2014, 12:30 pm

Pizza Boi,

Thanks for digging through the ancient files of AT, but this is not really necessary. It will be best to wait patiently for the technicians to fix the problem. Especially considering that this method to add a new editor button was primarily meant for staff of a forum not using the toolbar and had a few bugs.

( You can just use javascript management to add a button ) Wink
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Solved Re: #857 Spacing problems

Post by Commodore March 31st 2014, 12:32 pm

It's happening on our site too.  We've been up and running 5+ years, just saw it today.

One big paragraph wall of text posts.
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Solved Re: #857 Spacing problems

Post by Pizza Boi March 31st 2014, 12:37 pm

Ange Tuteur wrote:Pizza Boi,

Thanks for digging through the ancient files of AT, but this is not really necessary. It will be best to wait patiently for the technicians to fix the problem. Especially considering that this method to add a new editor button was primarily meant for staff of a forum not using the toolbar and had a few bugs.

( You can just use javascript management to add a button ) Wink

Hi Very Happy

Okay, though I noticed it was fix for some forums already, not just mine though.  TT 

Hopefully, this gets fixed soon  loul . Thanks for the heads up!

Pizza Boi
Pizza Boi
Pizza Boi

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Solved Re: #857 Spacing problems

Post by bsk March 31st 2014, 1:00 pm

i'll just c/p post i left in other topic..


Hopefully someone can help me.. 

Today we noticed on our forum that sent posts dont recognize line breaks while posting or editing the post 

here's the example:

When we go post something and enter it like this:

Enlarge this image
#857 Spacing problems  Untitl31

it comes out like this, no matter how many time we press the enter button

Enlarge this image Click to see fullsize
#857 Spacing problems  Untitl32

when we go back to edit it, it looks like the first picture, like there's nothing to edit.. 

In the last few days we just changed the skin and some icons for skin, but nothing else, and we do that on every season change but this never happened, so i don't think it's somehow related to the skin change.. also, it's not in every topic, some edited topics didnt change

any idea what it could be?

link to the forum is

Thanks in advance[/quote]
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Solved Re: #857 Spacing problems

Post by Shadow March 31st 2014, 2:26 pm


Our technicians worked on it. The problem should be solved right now.

Thanks for your feedbacks  :rose:  :rose: 


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Solved Re: #857 Spacing problems

Post by Pizza Boi March 31st 2014, 8:17 pm

Hi Very Happy

It worked for me, thank you Buttercup-sama and Technicians Very Happy .

Pizza Boi
Pizza Boi
Pizza Boi

Male Posts : 2016
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Solved Re: #857 Spacing problems

Post by bsk March 31st 2014, 11:29 pm

it worked for me too Smile thank you Smile
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Solved Re: #857 Spacing problems

Post by Shadow April 1st 2014, 10:50 am

Your welcome Smile

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