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Terms of Service

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Solved Terms of Service

Post by danielcookCBA April 3rd 2014, 1:38 pm


Just a few questions that I have before I create my Forum.

  • The information that I put on the forum - will it be entirely private (when restriction settings are enabled)? (Needed for internal company use to discus new ideas)
  • Will the information on the forum be sold on or given to anyone else?
  • Will there be any costs to use the forum, or is it completely free of charge?

Last edited by danielcookCBA on April 3rd 2014, 1:54 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Solved Re: Terms of Service

Post by Pizza Boi April 3rd 2014, 1:42 pm

Hi Very Happy

#3 My answer

Actually, the one I think that only has payment is the ads and footer links but you can live with them put in there.

#1 The information that I put on the forum - will it be entirely private (when restriction settings are enabled)? (Needed for internal company use to discus new ideas)

Yeah, it will be so as long as you make sure you're the one who activates the account and/or knows who is registering. There are also available codes to use for it.

#3 Will the information on the forum be sold on or given to anyone else?

That is a big NO. The only time that will happen is if an inside-job occurs in your forum and gets released to public. (Of course, if you're doing illegal things then staff members may intervene)

Pizza Boi

Pizza Boi
Pizza Boi

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Solved Re: Terms of Service

Post by Shadow April 3rd 2014, 1:51 pm


Thanks for your trust. 
Your questions are legitimate.

- Your information are absolutly private. You have the choice to let them avalable or not to visitors, members, or to a special group. Many companies use a forum to exchange between internal staff. Without login nobody will be able to see any sections of your forum. Smile
As administrator & founder of the forum, you can handle access Wink

- Forumotion never shares your data. All of them are registered on our servers.

- You can set up a forum without spending money. Only few options are not free. (Remove ads and buy a domain name)
For your information, all active forums receive domaine name for free.
Otherwise, all is absolutly free.

If any other questions feel free to ask


Male Posts : 16208
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Language : French, English

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Solved Re: Terms of Service

Post by Base April 3rd 2014, 2:25 pm

Since the topic has been marked as solved, I will move it to the archives.

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