Where is my Admin email inbox? Hitskin_logo Hitskin.com

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    Where is my Admin email inbox?

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    Where is my Admin email inbox? Empty Where is my Admin email inbox?

    Post by Witchs-Haven March 1st 2008, 3:07 pm

    Hi there,

    I have purchased a domain name and just discovered I can create an Admin Email address with my domain name on it. So I have done so but am wondering where I can access it? Do I have to create a redirection to my old email address or is there an inbox some where that I am missing?
    Witch's Haven blackeye

    Where is my Admin email inbox? Empty Re: Where is my Admin email inbox?

    Post by Guest March 1st 2008, 5:30 pm

    Just above your create email address is a web address ,this is where you go to log in for your email. :wééé:
    New Member

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    Where is my Admin email inbox? Empty Re: Where is my Admin email inbox?

    Post by Witchs-Haven March 4th 2008, 12:53 pm

    Thanks badger I found it after posting this but was to busy struggling with my forum to come back and post. My next question is what is the redirection option all about as it won't except my forum email address saying it is already used and as no one will be emailing any other address but my hotmail one which I would like to take out of the equation *takes deep breath* I have set it to have all email notifications go to my forum address but I am still getting stuff at my hotmail one...I am as clear as mud here and very confused. Mmm let me try that again.

    Why am I still receiving register email at my hotmail address even though I have set it to go to the forum one?

    Why do I not have the option to send my newsletters out via my forum email even though I have changed the email the forum is based on?

    Please explain what this redirection (Under Admin email box) is as there is no help telling you what it is in the Admin page where you can create one?


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    Where is my Admin email inbox? Empty Re: Where is my Admin email inbox?

    Post by zinex March 4th 2008, 1:30 pm

    have you set your email in your user profile in admin to be your forum address one? If not you will still receive admin email to it, i thik once this is changed it should also show for the newsletter.

    The redirection is for redirecting mail that comes to your forum address to the likes of your hotmail one.

    Female Posts : 594
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    Location : Florida, USA

    Where is my Admin email inbox? Empty Re: Where is my Admin email inbox?

    Post by Bpoetic March 12th 2008, 12:20 pm

    I am wondering about this problem too :
    This email address is already used.

    Like WH, I have purchased a domain and created an Admin email address. As Zinex suggested, I am using this address for in my profile.

    **STILL . . . I am unable to create a redirection.