How i can Delete My Forum i Had forget my Forum Admin Password and email address used to have linked to the admin account Hitskin_logo

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    How i can Delete My Forum i Had forget my Forum Admin Password and email address used to have linked to the admin account

    Medical Tourism
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    In progress How i can Delete My Forum i Had forget my Forum Admin Password and email address used to have linked to the admin account

    Post by Medical Tourism Tue 8 Jan 2013 - 4:54

    I need to delete my forum that I made 3 years ago. Problem is I don’t remember my Admin log in and the email address I used to have linked to the admin account is gone since I had to shut down my website.

    Below is the forum I need deleted? I had to get rid of my website and logos due to using a trademark I wasn’t aware of.

    Can someone help me either delete it or access my admin account? I donnot know the email address I used to create the admin account.


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    In progress Re: How i can Delete My Forum i Had forget my Forum Admin Password and email address used to have linked to the admin account

    Post by Sanket Tue 8 Jan 2013 - 6:22

    Follow the link in my signature for lost passwords.
    You can provide all email addresses that could have been used & i can confirm which one it is.