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General Discussion Guidelines

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Important General Discussion Guidelines

Post by Derri September 10th 2014, 12:11 pm

General Discussion Guidelines

Hello Forumotion Members

Welcome to the General Discussion section. In this section, you are free to create off-topic discussions. Please read the following rules below.


  • Please do not ask for help or support for your forum. All support questions should and must be done in the support forums.
  • Please avoid spamming topics or bumping topic unnecessarily.
  • Please avoid double posting, use the edit button instead.
  • Please avoid having shocking sayings (racist, homophobic, sexist, invitations to commit genocides, etc.)
  • Please avoid flaming people. While we all like to have a debate, name calling or insults will not be tolerated. Reminders and warnings will be handed out accordingly.
  • Please avoid criticising a topic that you judge uninteresting, but may be of interest to other people.
  • Please do not post advertising links or links to inappropriate sites including pornography, hacks, gore and piracy.
  • Please do not moderate members. If you see something inappropriate use the report button or send a private message to a Manager.
  • Please only speak English and try to avoid SMS language as not everyone can understand this.

Please remember that the general forum rules will still be enforced and can be found here

Here are some acceptable topics :

  • Discussions about forums
  • Discussions about Forumotion Updates
  • Celebration/Holiday Topics
  • Current affairs and news items
  • General Chit Chat e.g. TV, Video Games, Cinema, Media

Topics to be avoided :

  • Topics Debating Religion - We understand that people might like to debate religion, but to avoid offending people we ask that you do not create topics with the goal of discussing religion.
  • Politics - Again while we understand some might find discussing politics interesting, to avoid arguments and offending people we ask that you do not create topics with the goal of discussing politics.
  • Topics that are one word spam such as forum games.

If you have any doubt about creating a topic in this section, then please feel free to private message a Manager asking if it is okay to create a topic. Please also note that staff have the right to close any topic they deem unsuitable. If your topic gets locked and you recreate it, then you will be given a reminder/warning.

Please Note: You require 50 posts in order to open a topic. If you do not have 50 posts you can still reply to a topic.

Thank you
Forumotion Team


Male Posts : 8713
Reputation : 638
Language : English & Basic French
Location : Scotland, United Kingdom

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