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Add affiliates to the bottom of your homepage

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Tutorial Add affiliates to the bottom of your homepage

Post by Ange Tuteur September 10th 2014, 4:27 pm

Add affiliates to the bottom of your homepage

This tutorial will help you with adding affiliates to the footer of your Forumotion forum.

Add affiliates to the bottom of your homepage Captu144

Editing the index_body

Go to Administration Panel > Display > Templates > General and open the index_body template.

Search for {CHATBOX_BOTTOM} and paste the code below after it :
<div id="affiliate_box">
  <div id="affiliate_title">Affiliates</div>
  <a href="FORUM_URL" target="_blank"><img src="FORUM_LOGO" /></a>

affiliate_box : is the id used to style the affiliate container
FORUM_URL : Replace this by the URL of your affiliate's website
FORUM_LOGO : Replace this by the URL of your affiliate's image

In the link you will see target="_blank", this means that the link will open in a new window, or tab. You can remove this depending on your preferences.

Adding more than one affiliate :
To add more than one affiliate simply copy and paste the code below after your last affiliate link :
<a href="FORUM_URL" target="_blank"><img src="FORUM_LOGO" /></a>

To add a new line write <br/>, doing so will force the elements after it onto the next line.

When finished save and publish the template. ( Add )

The style

Go to Administration Panel > Display > Picture & Colors > Colors > CSS Stylesheet and paste the following code :
#affiliate_box {
  border:1px solid #CCC;
  margin:6px 0;

#affiliate_title {
  border-bottom:1px solid #CCC;

As mentioned earlier #affiliate_box is used to define the style of the affiliates container. You can change the background, border, alignment.. #affiliate_title is used to define the style of the title( Affiliates ) you can change the font color, size, border..

When finished, submit, and it's done !

Ange Tuteur
Ange Tuteur

Male Posts : 13207
Reputation : 3000
Language : English & 日本語
Location : Pennsylvania

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