by MarcoNecroX November 11th 2014, 12:45 am
Hello, it seems to be a problem releated to the chatbox. I can't confirm it's 100% that as temporaly disabling chatbox didn't seem to fix the issue entirely (although it helped).
This is a private message I received from an important forum member:
Quirinus wrote:edit: it freezes again when you enabled the chatbox, I guess it's that... qq
edit2: I think I found the source of the problem. I opened up the browser debugger and it gives an error from think (but not 100% sure yet) it gets stuck when calling function ajax_refresh_chatbox(params), so it gets stuck on manual/auto refresh. not sure if it's the function itself or the content it returns that's causing the problem. I'll try to figure it out.
edit3: it was working for a while, but during that time, it was dying only when I opened, but at least it displayed the chatbox contents. so it might be related to the archives too?
edit4: Disabled the Chatbox No-Kick js from AP > Modules > HTML & JAVASCRIPT > Javascript codes management > Javascript Codes from showing "In the home page" and "In the portal" and it worked unless you clicked on the "Archives" link in the chatbox. we gotta remove that link until we figure out what's wrong with it. currently your messages appear with a delay, probably because of the people using the archives link or some other reason...
edit5: ok it's not working again, seems the problem is in archives + something else. it gives errors for (and jquery.js, but that's bogus).
chatbox7.js beautified: problem is probably in "function ajax_refresh_chatbox(params, force)"...
The chatbox no-kick is what we discussed a few weeks earlier, here's the script in case you don't remember it:
- Code:
setInterval(function(){ $.post('/chatbox/','mode=send&sent='); }, 4500);
$(function() {
var fa_chat = document.getElementById('frame_chatbox'); = '/chatbox/';
So it seems to be a problem that has to do with chatbox archives mode (which I have enabled by default) although seems like not 100% entirely the reason. I can send you a user if you want to test although registering takes about a minute.
Usually the normal symphthoms of "the forum not working as expected" are a missing logo (first thing on top left corner, to the left of "Work in progress.."), as well as the social media (which are on the right of the header). As well as the new posts / no new posts / forum locked icons not appearing.