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Written abuse from fellow Member

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Written abuse from fellow Member Empty Written abuse from fellow Member

Post by Beattie Tue 9 Dec - 13:39

Some time ago I asked the Main Moderator for the address of the Owner to complain about 4 Members verbally abusing me and no Moderator cautioned them. The name and address I was given was in Spain and my e-mail was returned a few days later "unable to  deliver" which I thought odd because the reply was an internal one , not the address .I was given, and used my User Name not my real name which was on my -mail . It appears the name I was given is invalid, the "owner" passed it on to a Member.

Why was I given a  wrong address,? there was a bit of  panic at the time because no Member could click on for details of the owner and Staff. Anyway, one of the Members who was verbally abusing me must have found out I complained about her . to the Owner  because she really is stalking me and I copied and pasted one of her taunts yesterday which is disgusting., she criticised me on 3 threads yesterday , I pm'd the Moderator in charge yesterday saying I had had enough and if she didn't ban her I would approach Forumotion . Her reply was that she wasn't prepared to ban her because I had shown preference to Gaza and the damage done by Israel and I assumed the Member was Jewish .  I said it was like David and Goliath LOL

I told the Moderator that i was going to appeal to forumotion and she never replied I was told recently that someone named Ambersuz took over from Susan Nundy.

Sorry If I am boring you but I would like some help. Can you find out who  the real owner is  and can Forumotion help with the abuse?  The Name of the Forum is Missing Madeleine . If you want, I  can let you have a copy of the abusive post, the worst among many.
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Written abuse from fellow Member Empty Re: Written abuse from fellow Member

Post by Base Tue 9 Dec - 13:55

Duplicate topic garbaged.

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