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3 posters

    Request Certain Post Count Before Accessing The Chatbox


    Male Posts : 460
    Reputation : 12
    Language : english

    Request Certain Post Count Before Accessing The Chatbox Empty Request Certain Post Count Before Accessing The Chatbox

    Post by FrOsTyXi Mon Dec 29, 2014 12:15 am

    Hello! Another request if you will. Looking for a code or a system to implement on my forun to make it so new members have to have a post count of 5 to access the chatbox. Is this a possibility?

    Thank you in advance!


    Forum Link: TPSN


    Male Posts : 741
    Reputation : 175
    Language : PT-BR, EN
    Location : Brazil

    Request Certain Post Count Before Accessing The Chatbox Empty Re: Request Certain Post Count Before Accessing The Chatbox

    Post by JScript Mon Dec 29, 2014 12:47 am


    How do you want:
    1- That the chatbox only appear if the member has the minimum number of threads;
    2- That the chatbox is visible, but can only post if you have the minimum amount of posts.


    Male Posts : 460
    Reputation : 12
    Language : english

    Request Certain Post Count Before Accessing The Chatbox Empty Re: Request Certain Post Count Before Accessing The Chatbox

    Post by FrOsTyXi Mon Dec 29, 2014 12:48 am

    @JScript 2- That the chatbox is visible, but can only post if you have the minimum amount of posts. 

    That will be perfect!

    Male Posts : 741
    Reputation : 175
    Language : PT-BR, EN
    Location : Brazil

    Request Certain Post Count Before Accessing The Chatbox Empty Re: Request Certain Post Count Before Accessing The Chatbox

    Post by JScript Mon Dec 29, 2014 12:52 am


    Do you use any chatbox modified or that has custom functions like what I did that adds avatar and editing messages?


    Male Posts : 2083
    Reputation : 336
    Language : English
    Location : Ms

    Request Certain Post Count Before Accessing The Chatbox Empty Re: Request Certain Post Count Before Accessing The Chatbox

    Post by _Twisted_Mods_ Mon Dec 29, 2014 12:55 am

    funny i just ask ange for something similar to this

    i wanted the chatbox hidden from all members with an account that was older then 5 days and in order to see that chat box you had to make at least 1 post in a 24h period also with safe list to add some admins or like people who work on the site but don't post

    that way members are forced to start posting instead of hanging out in chatbox and also the 5 day thing is to help prevent new members from leaving because they r forced to post

    Male Posts : 460
    Reputation : 12
    Language : english

    Request Certain Post Count Before Accessing The Chatbox Empty Re: Request Certain Post Count Before Accessing The Chatbox

    Post by FrOsTyXi Mon Dec 29, 2014 12:57 am

    JScript wrote:@FrOsTyXi

    Do you use any chatbox modified or that has custom functions like what I did that adds avatar and editing messages?


    @JScript Yes i use your avatar and edit/delete chatbox style

    Male Posts : 741
    Reputation : 175
    Language : PT-BR, EN
    Location : Brazil

    Request Certain Post Count Before Accessing The Chatbox Empty Re: Request Certain Post Count Before Accessing The Chatbox

    Post by JScript Mon Dec 29, 2014 1:18 am


    Replace with this code:

     * Module: AVATARChat + JS_EditMsgChat
     * Description: Need?!
     * Author: Made and Optimizations by JScript - 2014/11/23
     * Version: RC2 (Release candidate 2!)
    function insertChatBox(chatbox_id, chatbox_url) {
        return insertChatBoxNew(chatbox_id, chatbox_url);

    // Redefine function in frm_lang_xx.js, by JScript Brasil at live dot com!
    function insertChatBoxNew(chatbox_id, chatbox_url) {

        document.getElementById(chatbox_id).innerHTML = '<iframe src="/chatbox/" id="frame_chatbox" scrolling="no" width="100%" height="100%" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" frameborder="0"></iframe>';
       // $('#' + chatbox_id).parent().detach().prependTo('#wrapper');

        frames["frame_chatbox"].onload = function() {
            // Redefine function in chatbox7.js, by JScript Brasil at live dot com!
            var JS_search = {
                    //inVar: /">\[(?:(?:2[0-3]|[0-1][0-9]|[0-9]):[0-5][0-9]:[0-5][0-9])\]<\/span>&nbsp;<span class=\\"user-msg\\">(.+)&Iota;id=(.*?)&Alpha;<(.*?)>&Epsilon;<img (.*?)&Chi;<img (.*?)>&Tau;(.+)&Mu;(.*?)<\/span>/g,
                    //inHtml: /">\[(?:(?:2[0-3]|[0-1][0-9]|[0-9]):[0-5][0-9]:[0-5][0-9])\]<\/span>&nbsp;<span class=\\"user-msg\\">(.+)[\u0399]id=(.*?)[\u0391]<(.*?)>[\u0395]<img (.*?)[\u03a7]<img (.*?)>[\u039c](.*?)<\/span>/g
                    inVar: /&Iota;id=(.*?)&Alpha;<(.*?)>&Epsilon;<img (.*?)&Chi;<img (.*?)>&Mu;(.*?)<\/span>/g,
                    inHtml: /[\u0399]id=(.*?)[\u0391]<(.*?)>[\u0395]<img (.*?)[\u03a7]<img (.*?)>[\u039c](.*?)<\/span>/g
                // JS_replace = '">[$6]$1<span class=\"id\" id=$2><span class=\"js-avatar\"><$3></span><span class=\"editor\"><img onclick=\"editor(this, 1)\" $4<img onclick=\"editor(this, 2)\" $5></span><span class=\"text\">$7</span>',
                JS_replace = '<span class=\"id\" id=$1><span class=\"js-avatar\"><$2></span><span class=\"editor\"><img onclick=\"editor(this, 1)\" $3<img onclick=\"editor(this, 2)\" $4></span><span class=\"text\">$5</span>',
                oIframe = (document.getElementById("frame_chatbox").contentWindow || document.getElementById("frame_chatbox").contentDocument),
                script = oIframe.document.createElement("script"),
                memDiv = oIframe.document.createElement('div');

            script.type = "text/javascript";
            script.innerHTML =
                'USERNAME = parent._userdata.username;' +
                'SUPERMOD = parent._userdata.user_level;' +
                'AVATAR = parent._userdata.avatar.replace(\'<img src="\', "[img]").replace(\'" alt="" />\', "[/img]");' +
                'JS_search = ' + JS_search.inVar + ';' +
                'JS_replace = \'' + JS_replace + '\';' +
             'pauseRefresh = 0;' +
                'function submitmsg(params) {' +
                '   if ( < 4 && SUPERMOD !== 1) return false;' +
                '   if ("/") !== 0) {' +
                '      var date = new Date();' +
                '       var UID = Math.ceil(date.getDate() + date.getHours() + Math.random() * Math.pow(10, 10) + date.getMinutes() + date.getSeconds() + date.getMilliseconds());' +
                '       if (UID.length < 10) {' +
                '         UID + "" + (10 - UID.length);' +
                '       }' +
                //'      var time = new Date().toLocaleTimeString();' +
                //' = \'&Iota;id="\' + UID + \'"&Alpha;\' + AVATAR + "&Epsilon;[img][/img]&Chi;[img][/img]&Tau;" + time + "&Mu;" +;' +
                ' = \'&Iota;id="\' + UID + \'"&Alpha;\' + AVATAR + "&Epsilon;[img][/img]&Chi;[img][/img]&Mu;" +;' +
                '    }' +
                ' =;' +
                ' = "";' +
                ';' +
                '   ajax_submit_chatbox(params);' +
                '   return false' +
                '}' +
                'function copy_user_name(user_name) {' +
                '   if ( {' +
                ';' +
                ' += ((user_name.indexOf("@") == 0) ? "" : "@") + user_name + " -> ";' +
                '   }' +
                '    return false' +
                '}' +
                'function ajax_submit_chatbox(params, editor) {' +
             '   if (parent._userdata.user_posts < 5) {' +
             '      return alert("Warning!\\n\\nYou can only post messages when you have more than 5 threads started!");' +
             '   }' +
                '   number_of_refresh = 0;' +
                '   if (params == "" || params == undefined) {' +
                '      params = "?achives=0"' +
                '   }' +
                '   if (editor == "" || editor == undefined) {' +
                '      var msg_sent =;' +
                '   } else {' +
                '      var msg_sent = editor;' +
                '   }' +
                '   var data = "&mode=send";' +
                '   data += "&sent=" + encodeURIComponent(msg_sent);' +
                '   data += "&sbold=" +;' +
                '   data += "&sitalic=" +;' +
                '   data += "&sunderline=" +;' +
                '   data += "&sstrike=" +;' +
                '   data += "&scolor=" +;' +
                '   if ((msg_sent.indexOf("/away") == 0) || (msg_sent.indexOf("/abs") == 0)) {' +
                '      document.getElementById("refresh_auto").checked = false' +
                '   }' +
                '   if ( == "/banlist") {' +
                '"/chatbox/" + params, "banlist", "toolbar=no,menubar=no,personalbar=no,width=450,height=300,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes");' +
                '      return false' +
                '   }' +
                '   $.ajax({' +
                '      url: "/chatbox/" + params,' +
                '      type: "post",' +
                '      data: data,' +
                '      dataType: "script",' +
                '      success: function(response, status, xhr) {' +
                '         if (xhr.status == 200) {' +
                //'            if (typeof (chatbox_messages) !== "undefined") {' +
                '               chatbox_messages = chatbox_messages.replace(JS_search, JS_replace);' +
                '                document.getElementById("memdiv").innerHTML = chatbox_messages;' +
                '                  hackMsg();' +
                '               document.getElementById("chatbox").innerHTML = document.getElementById("memdiv").innerHTML;' +
                '               /*$("#chatbox").html(chatbox_messages) [0].scrollTop = $("#chatbox").prop("scrollHeight");*/' +
                '               document.getElementById("chatbox").scrollTop = 999999;' +
                //'            }' +
                '            if (typeof (chatbox_memberlist) !== "undefined") {' +
                '               document.getElementById("chatbox_members").innerHTML = chatbox_memberlist;' +
                '               /*$("#chatbox_members").html(chatbox_memberlist);*/' +
                '            }' +
                '         }' +
                '      },' +
                '   })' +
                '}' +
                'function ajax_refresh_chatbox(params, force) {' +
             '   if (pauseRefresh) {'+
             '      return false;' +
             '   }' +
                '   if (params == "" || params == undefined) {' +
                '      params = "?achives=0"' +
                '   }' +
                '   $.ajax({' +
                '      url: "/chatbox/" + params + "&mode=refresh",' +
                '      type: "get",' +
                '      dataType: "script",' +
                '      success: function(response, status, xhr) {' +
                '         if (xhr.status == 200) {' + // || force) {' + <- Fail!
                //'              if ($("#chatbox").length) {' +
                '            if (typeof (chatbox_messages) !== "undefined") {' +
                '               chatbox_messages = chatbox_messages.replace(JS_search, JS_replace);' +
                '                document.getElementById("memdiv").innerHTML = chatbox_messages;' +
                '                  hackMsg();' +
                '               document.getElementById("chatbox").innerHTML = document.getElementById("memdiv").innerHTML;' +
                '               document.getElementById("chatbox").scrollTop = document.getElementById("chatbox").scrollHeight + document.getElementById("chatbox").offsetHeight;' +
                '               document.getElementById("chatbox").scrollTop = 999999;' +
                '              }' +
                //'              if (document.getElementById("chatbox_members").innerHTML != null) document.getElementById("chatbox_members").innerHTML = chatbox_memberlist;' +
                '            if (typeof (chatbox_memberlist) !== "undefined") {' +
                '               document.getElementById("chatbox_members").innerHTML = chatbox_memberlist;' +
                '               /*$("#chatbox_members").html(chatbox_memberlist);*/' +
                '            }' +
                '         }' +
                '      },' +
                '   })' +
                '}' +
                'function hackMsg() {' +
                '   var oTarget = jQuery("#memdiv > p"),' +
                '      iLen = oTarget.length,' +
                '      index = 0;' +
                '   for (; index < iLen; index++) {' +
                '      var oThis = jQuery(oTarget[index]),' +
                '         sUserName = oThis.find(".user > a").text(),' +
                '         ID = oThis.find("");' +
                '      if (ID.length == 0) {' +
                '         ID = oThis.find(".msg:last").text();' +
                // XORcipher -> '         ID = XORcipher(oThis.find(".msg").text());' +
                '         var del = ID.match(/^\\/remove[\\u0399](.*?)$/);' +
                // XORcipher -> '         var del = ID.match(/^\\/remove&Iota;(.*?)$/);' +
                '         if (del !== null) {' +
                '            var oMsg = oThis.parent().find("#" + del[1]).closest("p");' +
                '            if (oMsg.length) {' +
                //'               if (oMsg.find(".user > a").text() == sUserName || SUPERMOD > 0) {' +
                '                  oMsg.remove();' +
                //'               }' +
                '            }' +
                '         }' +
                '           var edit = ID.match(/^\\/edit[\\u0399]([0-9]+)[\\u039c](.*?)$/);' +
                // XORcipher -> '              var edit = ID.match(/^\\/edit&Iota;([0-9]+)&Mu;(.*?)$/);' +
                '           if (edit !== null) {' +
                '            var oMsg = oThis.parent().find("#" + edit[1]);' +
                '            if (oMsg.length) {' +
                //'               if (oMsg.closest("p").find(".user > a").text() == sUserName || SUPERMOD > 0) {' +
                '                  oMsg.find("span.text").text(edit[2]);' +
                //'               }' +
                '            }' +
                '              }' +
                '              /*var nudge = ID.match(/^\\/nudge[\\u0399]([0-9]+)[\\u039d](.*?)$/);' +
                '              if (nudge !== null) {' +
                '            var oMsg = oThis.parent().find("#" + nudge[1]);' +
                '            if (oMsg.length) {' +
                '               if (nudge[2] == USERNAME) {' +
                '                  // Developing!;' +
                '               }' +
                '            }' +
                '           }*/' +
                '         oThis.remove();' +
                '      } else {' +
                '         if (sUserName !== USERNAME && SUPERMOD == 0) {' +
                '            ID.find(".editor").remove();' +
                '         }' +
                '      }' +
                '   }' +
                '}' +
                'function editor(oThis, num) {' +
                '   if (num == 1 && iConfirm("Tem certeza de que deseja remover esta mensagem?\\n\\n" + jQuery(oThis).closest(".id").text() ) == 1) {' +
                '      ajax_submit_chatbox("?achives=1", "/remove&Iota;" + jQuery(oThis).closest(".id").attr("id"));' +
                '      jQuery(oThis).closest("p").remove();' +
                '   } else if (num == 2) {' +
             '      pauseRefresh = 1;' +
             '      var td = $(oThis).closest(".id"),' +
             //'         width = td.find(".text").width() - (td.find(".editor").width() * 2),' +
             '         width = td.width() - (td.find(".editor").width() * 4),' +
             '         height = td.find(".text").height(),' +
             '         sHtml =' +
             '            \'<span id="staff-shout-edit">\' +' +
             '               \'<textarea id="rt_input" style="width: \' + width + \'px; height: \' + height + \'px;vertical-align: middle;font-family: inherit;font-size: inherit;">\' + td.find(".text").text() + \'</textarea>\' +' +
             '               \'<input type="submit" id="rt_submit" class="button2" value="Save" onclick="ajax_submit_chatbox(&quot;?achives=1&quot;, &quot;/edit&Iota;&quot; + \' + jQuery(oThis).closest(".id").attr("id") + \' + &quot;&Mu;&quot; + jQuery(&quot;#rt_input&quot;).val());pauseRefresh = 0;" style="margin-right: 4px;">\' +' +
             '               \'<a title="Cancel" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="var oEdit = jQuery(&quot;#staff-shout-edit&quot;);; oEdit.prev().show(); oEdit.remove();return pauseRefresh = 0;">Cancel</a>\' +' +
             '            \'</span>\';' +
             '         td.find(".editor").hide();' +
             '         td.find(".text").hide().before(sHtml);' +
             '      var result = prompt("Editando a frase:", jQuery(oThis).closest(".id").text());' +
                '      if (result != null) {' +
                '         ajax_submit_chatbox("?achives=1", "/edit&Iota;" + jQuery(oThis).closest(".id").attr("id") + "&Mu;" + result);' +
                '         jQuery(oThis).closest(".id span.text").text(result);' +
                '      }' +
                '   /*} else if (num == 3) {' +
                '      ajax_submit_chatbox("?achives=1", XORcipher("/nudge&Iota;" + jQuery(oThis).closest(".id").attr("id") + "&Nu;" + jQuery(oThis).closest("p").find(".user > a").text()));*/' +
                '   }' +
                '}' +
                /*'function XORcipher(sText) {' +
             '   var key = 2,' +
             '      result = "",' +
             '      len = sText.length,' +
             '      i = 0;' +
             '   for (; i < len; i++) {' +
             '      result += String.fromCharCode(key ^ sText.charCodeAt(i));' +
             '   }' +
             '   return result;' +
             '}' +*/
                'function iConfirm(text) {' +
                '   var iChoice = -1;' +
                '   if (confirm(text) == true) {' +
                '      iChoice = 1;' +
                '   } else {' +
                '      iChoice = 0;' +
                '   }' +
                '   return iChoice;' +

            var style = oIframe.document.createElement("style");
          style.type = "text/css";
            style.innerHTML =
                '#chatbox p {' +
                '   background: none repeat scroll 0 0 #fff;' +
                '   border-bottom: 1px solid #e3e3e3;' +
                '   line-height: 1.3em;' +
                '   padding: 5px;' +
                '}' +
                '#chatbox span[title] {' +
                '   color: #8f8f8f !important;' +
                '   float: right !important;' +
                '}' +
                '#chatbox .user:not(:empty) {' +
                '   font-weight: 700;' +
                '   margin-left: 36px !important;' +
                '}' +
                '#chatbox .id {' +
                '   display: block;' +
                '   margin-top: 3px;' +
                '}' +
                '#chatbox .js-avatar img {' +
                '   background: none repeat scroll 0 0 #fff;' +
                '   border: 1px solid #ddd;' +
                '   float: left;' +
                '   height: 30px;' +
                '   margin-right: 5px;' +
                '   margin-top: -19px;' +
                '   max-width: 30px;' +
                '   padding: 1px;' +
                '   vertical-align: middle;' +
                '   width: 30px;' +
                '}' +
                '#chatbox .editor img {' +
                '   cursor: pointer;' +
                '   float: right;' +
                '   padding-left: 4px;' +
                '}' +
                '#chatbox {' +
                '   display: none;' +

            var forceConnect = setInterval(function() {
                if (oIframe.document.getElementById("chatbox") !== null) {
           = 'memdiv';
                    oIframe.document.getElementById("memdiv").style.display = 'none';
                    oIframe.document.getElementById("memdiv").innerHTML = oIframe.document.getElementById("chatbox").innerHTML.replace(JS_search.inHtml, JS_replace);


                    oIframe.document.getElementById("chatbox").innerHTML = oIframe.document.getElementById("memdiv").innerHTML;
                    if (oIframe.document.getElementById('chatbox_option_disco').style.display == 'none') {
                    oIframe.document.getElementById("chatbox_option_with_archives").style.display = 'none';
                    oIframe.document.getElementById("chatbox_option_without_archives").style.display = 'none';
                    oIframe.document.getElementById("chatbox").style.display = 'block';
            }, 250);

    In the code, search for:

             '   if (parent._userdata.user_posts < 5) {' +
             '      return alert("Warning!\\n\\nYou can only post messages when you have more than 5 threads started!");' +
             '   }' +
    Change the warning: You can only post messages When You have more than 5 threads started! - By the notice that you want;
    And change posts value 5 by the you want.

    So long,


    Male Posts : 460
    Reputation : 12
    Language : english

    Request Certain Post Count Before Accessing The Chatbox Empty Re: Request Certain Post Count Before Accessing The Chatbox

    Post by FrOsTyXi Mon Dec 29, 2014 1:54 am

    @JScript that was perfect! thank you kindly sir!

    Male Posts : 2083
    Reputation : 336
    Language : English
    Location : Ms

    Request Certain Post Count Before Accessing The Chatbox Empty Re: Request Certain Post Count Before Accessing The Chatbox

    Post by _Twisted_Mods_ Tue Dec 30, 2014 4:19 am

    i also did one

    goto acp>display>pictures&colors>colors>css


        body.chatbox { display:none }



    acp>modules>html page management

    create a new html page

    Title:tchatbox < must be the title
    Do you wish to use your forum header and footer ? YES
    Homepage: No

    save/submit  ... no html is needed

    goto acp>modules>JavaScript management

    Enable JavaScript code management :Yes


    if its not already on


    create a new JavaScript

    Title: up to you
    Placement: all pages



                    var hmanydold = "10" -1; // how many days old the account must be to run the scrit
                    var dayppost = "5"; // how many days before required to make post again
                    var hmpth = "2" -1 ;// how many post per dayppost
                    var names = "3 876 232 1221 9764"; // safe list user# serperated by space
                  var htlink = "/h1_tchatbox"; // url to your html page
                    // this would set it to require 1 post every 5 days if the joindate was longer then 10 days ago

                  $('a[href*="chatbox"]').attr('href', htlink);
                                  $('head').append(' <style>body\{margin-top:0px!important;\} #fa_toolbar\{display:none!important;\} </style>');
        $('body').append(' <div id="chatbox_top" style="margin: 0px !important;position: absolute;top: 0px;bottom: 0px;left: 0px;right: 0px;"><object style="display: block;" data="/chatbox/" id="frame_chatbox" scrolling="yes" type="text/html" height="100%" width="100%"></object></div> ');

                  //----safe list-----------
                var names2 = names.split(" ");
                for (var i = 0; i < names2.length; i++){ if (_userdata.user_id == names2[i]) return; }
                //-----end of safe list-----
                  //-------------cookie -save-get-----------
                  function setCookie(cname,cvalue,exdays) {
                    var d = new Date();
                    d.setTime(d.getTime() + (exdays*24*60*60*1000));
                    var expires = "expires=" + d.toGMTString();
                    document.cookie = cname+"="+cvalue+"; "+expires;

                function getCookie(cname) {
                    var name = cname + "=";
                    var ca = document.cookie.split(';');
                    for(var i=0; i<ca.length; i++) {
                        var c = ca[i];
                        while (c.charAt(0)==' ') c = c.substring(1);
                        if (c.indexOf(name) == 0) {
                            return c.substring(name.length, c.length);
                    return "";

                  //------------end of cookies
                  var usejdate = parseInt(getCookie("usejdate"));

                  if (usejdate > hmanydold){

                      var curpcount = parseInt(getCookie("curpcount"));
                    if (isNaN(curpcount)){
                    curpcount = _userdata.user_posts;
                    setCookie("curpcount", curpcount, dayppost);
                    if(_userdata.user_posts > curpcount + hmpth){
                    $('#avacweb_chat_button').css('display', 'block');
                    $('#frame_chatbox').css('display', 'block');
                        $('#avacweb_chat_button').css('display', 'none') ;
                        var numb1 = parseInt(hmpth);
                        numb2 = numb1+1;
                        $('#frame_chatbox').before(' <div id="cchatmsg"> Chat Is Unavalible Till You Make '+ numb2 +' Post. Once Post Are Made Chat Will Be Unlocked For '+ dayppost +' Days');
                  $('#avacweb_chat_button').before(' <div id="cchatmsg"> Chat Is Unavalible Till You Make '+ numb2 +' Post. Once Post Are Made Chat Will Be Unlocked For '+ dayppost +' Days');
                  $('body').append(' <div id="conthholder" style="display:none;"></div> ');
                var userid = _userdata.user_id;
                  $('#conthholder').load('/u'+userid+' #profile-advanced-left', function() {
                  jdate = $(this).find('#field_id-4 .field_uneditable').text();
                jdate2 = jdate.split("-");
                jdate2 = jdate2[1] + ", " + jdate2[2] + ", " + jdate2[0];
                var d = new Date();
                    var month = d.getMonth()+1;
                    var day = d.getDate();

                    var cdate = (month<10 ? '0' : '') + month + ', ' +
                    (day<10 ? '0' : '') + day + ', ' +d.getFullYear();
                    var date1 = new Date(cdate);
                  var date2 = new Date(jdate2);
                    diff = date1 - date2;
                var days = diff / 1000 / 60 / 60 / 24;
                    days = Math.round(days);
                    if (days > 4){
                    setCookie("usejdate", days, 99999);

                    setCookie("usejdate", days, 1);


    Things you can change

    var hmanydold = "10" < how many days old the account must be to run the script.. this is to avoid running off new members by forcing them to post

    var dayppost = "5"; < how many days before required to make post again

    var hmpth = "2" -1; <how many post per days set above

    var names = "3 876 232 1221 9764"; < safe list user# serperated by space if you add the user# the script will not effect that person

    var htlink = "/h1_tchatbox"; <this changes all urls other then the chatbox title to the new fullscreen html page

    so these settings above would set it to require 2 post every 5 days if the joindate was longer then 10 days ago .. also user 3,876,232,1221,9764 will not be effected by this script

    thankx to ange for testing

    this code was tested on phpbb2,phpbb3 if you have another version and it dont work please let me know so i can post the code for your version

      Current date/time is Sun Sep 22, 2024 9:37 pm