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    Chatbox access by post count


    Posts : 61
    Reputation : 3
    Language : English

    Solved Chatbox access by post count

    Post by DVAted November 1st 2015, 1:00 pm


    Please understand I've spent days on this forum looking
    for similar topics with working solutions.

    I did find the following main topics:
    This started off fairly promising.
    "Looking for a code or a system to implement on my forun to make it so new members have to have a post count of 5 to access the chatbox."
    "That the chatbox is visible, but can only post if you have the minimum amount of posts. "

    That's all I wanted, except 30 posts instead of 5.

    Then it goes on to say:
    "You can only post messages When You have more than 5 threads started!"
    But I don't want threads started, I just want simple posts, replies to existing topics.

    THEN it goes further saying:
    "from all members with an account that was older then 5 days and in order to see that chat box you had to make at least 1 post in a 24h period also with safe list to add some admins or like people who work on the site but don't post"
    Wait.. what? WHY? Why "an account that was older then 5 days"
    and why "you had to make at least 1 post in a 24h period" ?
    That is NOT what the topic was supposed to be about.

    "so these settings above would set it to require 2 post every 5 days if the joindate was longer then 10 days ago .. also user 3,876,232,1221,9764 will not be effected by this script"
    Nope. Nope. Nuh-uh. Nooooo...

    Further on, I already have a group setup for members under 30 posts, so I decided to check this out:
    But then it says "I'm using AWC" which means AvecWeb Chat. I have the default Forumotion chatbox, not AWC

    I'm fairly sure this uses script for the same AWC

    I tried some variations and neither of it worked.
    Like this one:
    $(function() {
      if (_userdata.user_posts >= 30) {
    and this
    $(function() {
      var ac = document.getElementById('avacweb_chat_button'); = 'none';
      if (_userdata.user_posts >= 100) = '';
      else ac.parentNode.removeChild(ac);
    But I think they're also for AvecWeb Chat Sad I don't even know what that is lol

    Also, for full disclosure, I use several other customization scripts to my chatbox
    particularly, I included the autologin, the archives in new tab,
    the chatbox in toolbar and the round buttons.

    I only enabled autologin today, but unless I can make it an option for people to turn on and off, I think I'll disable it.
    This is the full current script (with some CSS modifications as well though)
    (function() {
      if (!window.FA) window.FA = {};
      if (FA.Chat) {
        if (window.console) console.warn('FA.Chat has already been initialized');

      FA.Chat = {

        // chatbox settings
        config : {
          height : '60%',
          width : '70%',
          live_notif : true,
          sound_notif : {
            enabled : true,
            file : ''
          notifRate : 10000

        // language settings
        lang : {
          chatbox : 'Chatbox',
          new_msg : 'A new message has been posted in the <a href="javascript:FA.Chat.toggle();">chatbox</a>.'

        // technical data below
        node : {}, // node cache
        users : 0, // users in chat
        messages : 'initial', // total chat messages
        actif : false, // tells us if the chatbox is opened
        notifActif : false, // tells us if the notifications are active

        // initial setup of the chatbox
        init : function() {
          var right = document.getElementById('fa_right'),
              container = document.createElement('DIV'),
              button = document.createElement('A'),

 = 'fa_chat_button';
          button.innerHTML = FA.Chat.lang.chatbox + ' <span id="fa_chatters">(0)</span>';
          button.onclick = FA.Chat.toggle;
          FA.Chat.node.button = button;

 = 'fa_chat_container';
          container.innerHTML = '<iframe id="fa_chat" src="/chatbox"></iframe>';
 = FA.Chat.config.width;
 = FA.Chat.config.height;
 = '-' + FA.Chat.config.height;
 = 'hidden';

          if (right) {
            right.insertBefore(button, right.lastChild); // add the chat button to the right side of the toolbar
            // create the notification audio element
            if (FA.Chat.config.sound_notif.enabled) {
              audio = document.createElement('AUDIO');
              audio.src = FA.Chat.config.sound_notif.file;
              if (audio.canPlayType) {
       = audio;

            FA.Chat.node.container = document.getElementById('fa_chat_container');
            FA.Chat.node.chatters = document.getElementById('fa_chatters');
            FA.Chat.node.frame = document.getElementById('fa_chat');
            FA.Chat.node.frame.onload = FA.Chat.getFrame;
          delete FA.Chat.init;

        // get the frame window, document, and elements
        getFrame : function() {
          if (FA.Chat.poll) window.clearInterval(FA.Chat.poll);
          if (this.contentDocument || this.contentWindow) {
            FA.Chat.window = this.contentWindow;
            FA.Chat.document = this.contentDocument ? this.contentDocument : FA.Chat.window.document;
            FA.Chat.node.message = FA.Chat.document.getElementById('message');
            FA.Chat.node.members = FA.Chat.document.getElementById('chatbox_members');
            FA.Chat.poll = window.setInterval(FA.Chat.listen, 300); // listen for changes every 0.3 seconds
        // listen for changes in the chatbox
        listen : function() {
          var users = FA.Chat.node.members.getElementsByTagName('LI').length,
              messages = FA.Chat.window.chatbox.messages.length;
          // update user count
          if (users > FA.Chat.users || users < FA.Chat.users) {
            FA.Chat.users = users;
            FA.Chat.node.chatters.innerHTML = '(' + FA.Chat.users + ')';
          // initial / active updates
          if ((FA.Chat.messages == 'initial' && messages) || FA.Chat.notifActif || FA.Chat.actif) FA.Chat.messages = messages;
          // notify new messages while connected and the chatbox is closed
          if (!FA.Chat.actif && !FA.Chat.notifActif && FA.Chat.window.chatbox.connected && (messages > FA.Chat.messages || messages < FA.Chat.messages)) {
            FA.Chat.messages = messages; // update message count
            FA.Chat.notifActif = true;
            if (FA.Chat.config.live_notif) FA.Chat.notify(FA.Chat.lang.new_msg); // show live notification
            if (FA.Chat.config.sound_notif.enabled &&; // play sound notification
            // wait before notifying the user again
            window.setTimeout(function() {
              FA.Chat.notifActif = false;
            }, FA.Chat.config.notifRate);
        // create a custom notification
        notify : function(msg) {
          var notif = document.createElement('DIV'),
              live = document.getElementById(Toolbar.LIVE_NOTIF);
          notif.className = 'fa_notification';
          notif.innerHTML = '<div class="content ellipsis">' + msg + '</div>';
 = 'none';
          $(notif).mouseover(function() { $(this).stop(true, true) });
          $(notif).mouseleave(function() { $(this).delay(5000).fadeOut() });
          live.insertBefore(notif, live.firstChild);
          $(notif).fadeIn(100, function() { $(this).delay(10000).fadeOut() });
        // toggle the display state of the chatbox
        toggle : function() {
          var container =;
          if (/hidden/i.test(container.visibility)) {
            FA.Chat.node.button.className = 'fa_chat_active';
            FA.Chat.actif = true;
            container.visibility = 'visible';
            container.bottom = '3px';
            // auto focus the message field
            window.setTimeout(function() {
            }, 350); // some browsers ( firefox ) need a delay
          } else {
            FA.Chat.node.button.className = '';
            FA.Chat.actif = false;
            container.visibility = 'hidden';
            container.bottom = '-' + FA.Chat.config.height;


        // initialize the chat when the document is ready and the user is logged in
        if (_userdata.session_logged_in) $(FA.Chat.init);

    $(window).load(function() {
      var chatbox_script = function() {
        setTimeout(function(){ $('#chatbox_option_co:visible').click() }, 1000);
      var s=document.createElement('script');s.text="("+chatbox_script.toString()+")();";$('object[data^="/chatbox/"],iframe[src^="/chatbox/"]').each(function(){try{$(this.contentDocument||this.contentWindow.document).find("#chatbox").closest("html").find("head").first().each(function(){this.appendChild(s.cloneNode(true))})}catch(a){}})

    $(window).load(function() {
      var chatbox_script = function() {
        $("#chatbox_option_with_archives a").attr('target', 'ChatBox');
      var s=document.createElement('script');s.text="("+chatbox_script.toString()+")();";$('object[data^="/chatbox/"],iframe[src^="/chatbox/"]').each(function(){try{$(this.contentDocument||this.contentWindow.document).find("#chatbox").closest("html").find("head").first().each(function(){this.appendChild(s.cloneNode(true))})}catch(a){}})
    I'm fairly sure it's not part of the conflict.

    Please, help me out. Members with 0 posts have recently been causing problems.
    I don't care if newbies can access the /chatbox link directly to log in, most of them don't even know that exists. I just don't want them to be able to post on the main page (or toolbar chatbox) unless they have made 30 posts.

    Last edited by DVAted on November 2nd 2015, 8:58 am; edited 1 time in total
    Ange Tuteur
    Ange Tuteur

    Male Posts : 13207
    Reputation : 3000
    Language : English & 日本語
    Location : Pennsylvania

    Solved Re: Chatbox access by post count

    Post by Ange Tuteur November 1st 2015, 6:16 pm

    Hi @DVAted,

    If you only want to display the toolbar chatbox for those with a specific post count find the following condition :
    if (_userdata.session_logged_in) $(FA.Chat.init);

    and replace it by :
    if (_userdata.session_logged_in && _userdata.user_posts >= 30) $(FA.Chat.init);

    and for the other scripts which start with :
    $(window).load(function() {

    You can replace them with this :
    $(window).load(function() {
      if (_userdata.user_posts < 30) return;
    So it'll only execute the code inside if their posts are greater than 30.

    Posts : 61
    Reputation : 3
    Language : English

    Solved Re: Chatbox access by post count

    Post by DVAted November 1st 2015, 9:30 pm

    oh thank you for replying on a Sunday evening, Ange, I really appreciate it.
    The little tricks you made worked, the users with no posts or below 30 no longer have the chatbox in the toolbar.

    However, they still have the chatbox on the front (home) page on top. This is from my HTML of Display/General/Template "body_index" Home Page code

    <!-- BEGIN switch_chatbox_activate -->
          <td class="row1">
             <span class="gensmall">{TOTAL_CHATTERS_ONLINE}&nbsp;:&nbsp; {CHATTERS_LIST}<br />
                <!-- BEGIN switch_chatbox_popup -->
                <div id="chatbox_popup"></div>
                <script type="text/javascript">
                insertChatBoxPopup('{disable_viewonline.switch_chatbox_activate.switch_chatbox_popup.U_FRAME_CHATBOX}', '{L_CLICK_TO_JOIN_CHAT}');
                <!-- END switch_chatbox_popup -->
       <!-- END switch_chatbox_activate -->
    is there a way I can neutralize that for them as well?

    also, I've forgotten to mention I included a rules link under the chatbox as well:
    <!-- BEGIN switch_user_logged_in -->
    <div align="center" class="chatRules"><a href="/t8055-chatbox-rules" target="_blank">CHATBOX RULES</a></div>
    <!-- END switch_user_logged_in -->
    so if I remove the chatbox from the front page for everyone, the rules would be harder to reference as well, as I haven't figured out how to hotlink them in the toolbar popup.

    again, thank you Bow 2

    Last edited by DVAted on November 2nd 2015, 8:18 am; edited 1 time in total
    Ange Tuteur
    Ange Tuteur

    Male Posts : 13207
    Reputation : 3000
    Language : English & 日本語
    Location : Pennsylvania

    Solved Re: Chatbox access by post count

    Post by Ange Tuteur November 1st 2015, 10:30 pm

    No problem. ^^ We should be able to use some JavaScript to hide both these elements until they reach the specified amount of posts.

    Try replacing the stats part of the template with this :
    <!-- BEGIN switch_chatbox_activate -->
      <tr style="display:none;" id="stats_chat_row">
          <td class="row1">
            <span class="gensmall">{TOTAL_CHATTERS_ONLINE}&nbsp;:&nbsp; {CHATTERS_LIST}<br />
                <!-- BEGIN switch_chatbox_popup -->
                <div id="chatbox_popup"></div>
                <script type="text/javascript">
                insertChatBoxPopup('{disable_viewonline.switch_chatbox_activate.switch_chatbox_popup.U_FRAME_CHATBOX}', '{L_CLICK_TO_JOIN_CHAT}');
                if (_userdata.user_posts >= 30) {
                  document.getElementById('stats_chat_row').style.display = '';
                <!-- END switch_chatbox_popup -->
      <!-- END switch_chatbox_activate -->

    and replace the chatbox area with this :
    <div id="chatbox_top_div" style="display:none;">
    <!-- BEGIN switch_user_logged_in -->
    <div align="center" class="chatRules"><a href="/t8055-chatbox-rules" target="_blank">CHATBOX RULES</a></div>
    <!-- END switch_user_logged_in -->
    <script type="text/javascript">//<![CDATA[
    if (_userdata.user_posts >= 30) {
      document.getElementById('chatbox_top_div').style.display = '';

    Posts : 61
    Reputation : 3
    Language : English

    Solved Re: Chatbox access by post count

    Post by DVAted November 2nd 2015, 8:58 am

    Thank you! It worked exactly as you said
    You are the grand pharaoh of scripting Bow 2
    Much appreciation and respect!
    Ange Tuteur
    Ange Tuteur

    Male Posts : 13207
    Reputation : 3000
    Language : English & 日本語
    Location : Pennsylvania

    Solved Re: Chatbox access by post count

    Post by Ange Tuteur November 2nd 2015, 11:53 am

    You're welcome ^^

    Topic archived

    Have a good day. Smile

      Current date/time is September 23rd 2024, 12:25 am