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Analyze your forum traffic with Google Analytics

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Tutorial Analyze your forum traffic with Google Analytics

Post by Shadow January 9th 2015, 10:27 am

Analyze your forum traffic with Google Analytics

This forum provides a first approach of Google Analytics to analyse your forum traffic bounce

Analyze  your forum traffic with Google Analytics 09615110Whats is Google Analytics

Google Analytics is an online tool to analyse your traffic. The tool allows founders to identify and analyse the forum traffic. The website must have a unique Google Analytics code in order to gather information of the interface. Once setup, Google Analytics helps to make advanced or simple analyses of traffic.

Analyze  your forum traffic with Google Analytics 09615110How to use Google Analytics

You need to integrate the Google Analytics code onto your forum via the administrative panel:

Admin panel>> General>> Statistics: Google Analytics
Analyze  your forum traffic with Google Analytics 08-01-18

Analyze  your forum traffic with Google Analytics 09615110Analyse your forum traffic thanks to Google Analytics

Google Analytics helps to identify the origin of your visitors, how they access to your forum and via with particular pages. Find some ways to analyse your forum traffic.

Edit Identify the various sources of traffic

The forum traffic can come from different sources that we can divide into 3 categories:

  • Direct traffic
  • Referral traffic
  • Organic traffic

The direct traffic corresponds to visitors that directly type the url of the forum into the nav bar.

Analyze  your forum traffic with Google Analytics 08-01-19

If the direct traffic is very high, it means:
- Your have a lot of regular users on your forum
- Your forum is very famous and the url is well know (for example:

Google Analytics>> Acquisition>> All traffic>> Direct traffic

Analyze  your forum traffic with Google Analytics 08-01-20

The referral traffic determines visitors coming from external websites. Thus, if your forum is committed to partnering with other website, users will access your forum by clicking on this external link.

The referral traffic allow you to:
- Note the effectiveness of partnership
- identify website on which your forum link is displayed.

Analytics>> Acquisition>> All referral websites
Analyze  your forum traffic with Google Analytics 08-01-21

The organic traffic is the number of visitors obtained via search engines. Keywords indicate which words are used more by your visitors. However, it is not possible to know all keywords used to access your forum. Since 2012, users' searches on search engines are secured to protect their data. That's why, the value "Not provided" can appear on your Google Analytics statistics and doesn't allow you to know those keywords.

However, data of organic traffic allows you to:
- Identify new keywords bringing traffic
- Analyse your work on keywords

Analyticis>> acquisition>> keywords>> Organic

Analyze  your forum traffic with Google Analytics 08-01-22

Analyze  your forum traffic with Google Analytics 08-01-23

Edit Identify pages to exploit

After identifying the sources of your forum traffic, you have to highlight more or less famous pages!

  • Popular pages

Popular pages are the best visited on your forum.

Identifying those pages allows you to:
- Understand the content that attracts your visitors and better know your community
- Identify the actions that made your pages so popular

Analytics>> Behaviour>> Site content>> All pages
Analyze  your forum traffic with Google Analytics 08-01-25

You can also narrow down the search by adding secondary dimension.

Site content>> Content Drilldown>> secondary dimension
Analyze  your forum traffic with Google Analytics 08-01-26

The most famous pages are those where users come first, also known as "landing pages". Identifying some pages allow you to know the best referenced pages.

Analyze  your forum traffic with Google Analytics 08-01-28

  • Pages to improve

On the opposite, in descending order you can identify the pages to improve. Those pages receive less visitors than other pages. You can analyse the content and compare with the famous pages.

Analytics>> Behaviour>> Site content>> All pages

Finally, landing pages you can analyse why visitors directly leave your forum. You can analyse the bounce rate.

Bounce rate wrote:Bounce rate is a measure of the effectiveness of a website in encouraging visitors to continue with their visit. It is expressed as a percentage and represents the proportion of visits that end on the first page of the website that the visitor sees

Analytics>> Behaviour>> Site content>> All pages
Analyze  your forum traffic with Google Analytics 08-01-29

Now you are ready!!! Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy


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