Hello everyone,
What I am suggesting is that forumotion can give us admins the option to allow 1 usergroup to not see ads without removing them altogether. I suggest that Admins can buy with their credits the option to not ONLY remove all the ads on the forum with credits, but disable it for at least 1 usergroup. The reason I suggest this is, I can see if a forum wants to implement something like a VIP Usergroup, members can get into this usergroup by buying that particular forum credits in exchange for a set of perks like VIP Status etc. I think it is a good idea because most sites that offer VIP, also allow those users Ad free viewing, if their going to pay money (or pay to give us credits) I think they should at least be able to view the site ad free. As of right now this is impossible on FM. I think it would be a decent feature to add.
I know what you are all thinking: well what is the point of this suggestion when FM allows users to remove ads for the entire site for everyone through credits? The point of this suggestion is yes while removing ads for the entire site will work, this being able to remove ads for 1 group only allows forums with premium and/or VIP membership programs  to add ad free site usage as a benefit/perk for Premium/VIP Members only. The implemention of this suggestion would benefit that forum and forumotion, a person who donates credits to a forum (which maybe can be used to purchase the removal of the ads for the 1 group) and forumotion in turn makes money too. Now I can also hear the other negative people will say:  well this is a terrible idea because then one could just remove the ads for the members group and add everyone to it. The answer I give to this is not if forumotion only allows you to remove it for a Premium/VIP Membership group only. There are ways to add restrictions to what group(s) will be allowed to have the ads removed or maybe a limit to how many users can be in the group or maybe the group won't become available until you spend the credits on it, then you could only a certain number of users to the group before you need to spend more credits to expand the capacity, or something else. there are many creative and effective ways this can work.
So while this suggestion may not be entirelly nessecary, it will help many forums with premium or VIP Memberships as well as forumotion. I would like to ask you all to think through the points and ideas I have made before voting.
Last edited by brandon_g on 29/12/2015, 14:49; edited 3 times in total