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10 posters

    [Project] elapsedTime (Total Time Spent On Forums)


    Male Posts : 741
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    [Project] elapsedTime (Total Time Spent On Forums) Empty [Project] elapsedTime (Total Time Spent On Forums)

    Post by JScript February 20th 2015, 5:30 pm

    Hello friends!

    I started this - so to speak - project on the 18th of this month and he is intended to show how much time each member spends logged into the site.

    Well, the code is very simple and I'll explain below how it works:
    1- It created two fields in the profile of members, the first has the purpose of show the connected time, the other as a pseudo-database;
    2- The time count starts when the member do a log in;
    3- So every 30 seconds (default time that can be changed) the time counter is incremented and saved in the profile field;
    4- The counter is only reset when the member log out of the forum! If only close the page or the browser, the counter remains active and will be incremented on the next login!

    Below is the code to be added with placement "In all the pages":

     * Application: elapsedTime (Total Time Spent On Forums)
     * Description: Will show how much time each member spends logged into the site.
     * Version: RC1 - Beta tester only!
     * Made and Optimizations by JScript - 2015/02/18
     * Copyright (c) 2015 JScript <jscriptbrasil at live dot com>
     * This work is free. You can redistribute it and/or modify it
     * under the terms of the WTFPL, Version 2
    Variables that can be changed by the user:
    1- tTimeOut
    2- checkTime
    3- fieldName
    Note: For those variables "tTimeout" and "checkTime" ->
          - to avoid the "Request Limit" the lowest value should be 10 seconds and 30 seconds respectively!
    var elapsedTime = {
       autor:      'JScript',
       version:   '1.02202015-jq1.9.1',
       codename:   'Narmer (Sheikh Muftah)',

        * Related to database.
       fieldName:       'Time Online',
       field_id:       0,
       fd_description: 'Will show how much time each member spends logged into the site.',
       db_field:       0,
       db_content:    '',
       db_description: 'Database to store the data of the module elapsedTime!',
       db_url:       '/admin/',
       response:       '',
       evalTextarea:   'jQuery(\'label:contains("elapsedTime_DB"), span:contains("elapsedTime_DB"), dt:contains("elapsedTime_DB")\', response).closest("dl, tr").find("textarea")',

       db_default: {
          appInfo: {
             module:       'elapsedTime_DB',
             description: 'Database to store the data of the module elapsedTime!',
             author:     'JScript',
             version:     'RC1 b',
             release:     '2015/02/18'
          userInfo: {
             isOnline:    1,
             dateOld:    Number(new Date()),
             dateNow:    Number(new Date()),
             dateSpent:   ''

        * Related to intervals.
       lInterval:    10,
       tTimeOut:    10000,
       checkTime:    30000,
       setLoop:    0,

       // other variables...
       evalTID: 'jQuery(\'a[href*="tid="]\').attr("href").split("tid=")[1].split("&")[0]',
       TID: 0,

        * JavaScript/jQuery functions
       initialize: function() {
          $(function() {
             return (!_userdata.session_logged_in) ? false : elapsedTime.setup();

       setup: function() {
          elapsedTime.TID = eval(elapsedTime.evalTID);
          * First checks if the database exists!
          jQuery.get('/profile?mode=editprofile', function(response) {
             elapsedTime.response = eval(elapsedTime.evalTextarea);

             // If the database does not exist, then an administrator will create it now!
             if ((!elapsedTime.response.length) && (_userdata.user_level == 1)) {
       + elapsedTime.TID, { /* <- Parameters! */
                   /* Post action */
                   action:                'add_field',
                   id:                   0,
                   type:                   0,
                   action:                'configuration_final',
                   list_type_field:          2,
                   field_name:             'elapsedTime_DB',
                   field_desc:             elapsedTime.db_description + ' - Made by JScript, 2015/02/18',
                   field_oblig:             0,
                   field_display_profil:       1,
                   list_field_type_view:       0,
                   list_auth_field_himself:    1,
                   list_field_view:         0,
                   list_separator:            0,
                   field_type_2_lng_max:      15000,
                   submit:                1,
                   field_type_11_max_before:    14,
                   field_type_11_max_after:    6
                }).done(function() {
                   jQuery.get('/profile?mode=editprofile', function(response) {
                      elapsedTime.response = eval(elapsedTime.evalTextarea);
       + elapsedTime.TID, { /* <- Parameters! */
                   /* Post action */
                   action:                'add_field',
                   id:                   0,
                   type:                   0,
                   action:                'configuration_final',
                   list_type_field:          13,
                   field_name:             elapsedTime.fieldName,
                   field_desc:             elapsedTime.fd_description + ' - Made by JScript, 2015/02/18',
                   field_oblig:             0,
                   field_display_message:       1,
                   field_display_profil:       1,
                   list_field_type_view:       0,
                   list_auth_field_himself:   1,
                   list_field_view:          -1,
                   list_separator:          1,
                   field_type_2_lng_max:       15000,
                   submit:                1,
                   field_type_11_max_before:   14,
                   field_type_11_max_after:   6
                }).done(function(e) {

             if (!elapsedTime.response.length) {
                return false;

             elapsedTime.db_field = elapsedTime.response.attr('id');

             if (elapsedTime.response.val().length) {
                elapsedTime.db_content = JSON.parse(elapsedTime.response.val().replace(/'/g, '"'));

             if ((!elapsedTime.response.val().length) || (!elapsedTime.db_content.userInfo.isOnline)) {
                elapsedTime.db_content = elapsedTime.db_default;

                   elapsedTime.dataSave(elapsedTime.db_field, JSON.stringify(elapsedTime.db_content).replace(/"/g, "'"));


             if (document.getElementById('fa_welcome') !== null) {
                jQuery('a[href$="logout=1"]').attr('href', jQuery('#logout').attr('href'));
             jQuery('a[href*="logout=1"]').click(function(event) {
                elapsedTime.TID = eval(elapsedTime.evalTID);
                elapsedTime.db_content.userInfo.isOnline = 0;

                   elapsedTime.dataSave(elapsedTime.db_field, JSON.stringify(elapsedTime.db_content).replace(/"/g, "'"));
             * Writes the current time in the profile field...
             setTimeout(function() {
                setInterval(function() {
                }, elapsedTime.checkTime);
             }, elapsedTime.tTimeOut);

          }).fail(function(e) {

       async: function(mode) {
             async: mode

       dataSave: function(field, content) {
"/", {
             id: field.split("_")[3],
             user: _userdata.user_id,
             active: "1",
             content: '[["' + field + '", "' + content + '"]]',
             tid: elapsedTime.TID
          }, function(data) {
             // OK!
          }, "json").fail(function(e) {

       updateTime: function() {
          elapsedTime.TID = eval(elapsedTime.evalTID);

          jQuery.get('/profile?mode=editprofile', function(response) {
             elapsedTime.response = jQuery('label:contains("' + elapsedTime.fieldName + '"), span:contains("' + elapsedTime.fieldName + '"), dt:contains("' + elapsedTime.fieldName + '")', response).closest('dl, tr').find('input');
             elapsedTime.field_id = elapsedTime.response.attr('id');

             if (elapsedTime.response.length) {
                elapsedTime.response = eval(elapsedTime.evalTextarea);
                elapsedTime.db_content = JSON.parse(elapsedTime.response.val().replace(/'/g, '"'));

                elapsedTime.dataSave(elapsedTime.field_id, elapsedTime.getTime(elapsedTime.db_content.userInfo.dateOld));
          }).fail(function(e) {

       getTime: function(date_old, date_now) {
          date_old = date_old || new Date(); //.toLocaleString('en-US', { hour12: false });
          date_now = date_now || new Date(); //.toLocaleString('en-US', { hour12: false });
          //date_old = date_old.split("/").swap(0, 1).join("/");
          //date_now = date_now.split("/").swap(0, 1).join("/");
          date_old = new Date(date_old);
          date_now = new Date(date_now);

          var seconds = Math.floor((date_now - (date_old)) / 1000),
             minutes = Math.floor(seconds / 60),
             hours = Math.floor(minutes / 60),
             days = Math.floor(hours / 24);

          hours = hours - (days * 24);
          minutes = minutes - (days * 24 * 60) - (hours * 60);
          seconds = seconds - (days * 24 * 60 * 60) - (hours * 60 * 60) - (minutes * 60);
          //console.log(days + "d " + hours + "h " + minutes + "m " + seconds + "s ");
          return ((days) ? days + "d " : "") + ((hours) ? hours + "h " : "") + ((minutes) ? minutes + "m " : "") + ((seconds) ? seconds + "s " : "");


    [Project] elapsedTime (Total Time Spent On Forums) 3nVSYO2

    Irrelevant and useless information?
    ->Maybe yes or no: You decide...


    Male Posts : 741
    Reputation : 175
    Language : PT-BR, EN
    Location : Brazil

    [Project] elapsedTime (Total Time Spent On Forums) Empty Re: [Project] elapsedTime (Total Time Spent On Forums)

    Post by JScript February 24th 2015, 10:08 am

    sunny11 wrote:Forumotion offers professional service and security héhé  to your forums, often better than the payed offers. The administration and maintenance of such a system requires a daily monitoring. Our technical banana  infrastructure and our loul  daily efforts allow us to fully ensure the integrity and security of all data on all our services.
    Then you make a new account here and your first post is that?

    Okay, but what his statements have to do with my topic?

    Despite the question marks, you do not need to answer me!

    New Member

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    [Project] elapsedTime (Total Time Spent On Forums) Empty Re: [Project] elapsedTime (Total Time Spent On Forums)

    Post by CovalentBond March 11th 2015, 4:16 pm

    Wow mate, thanks for sharing!

    Male Posts : 2431
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    [Project] elapsedTime (Total Time Spent On Forums) Empty Re: [Project] elapsedTime (Total Time Spent On Forums)

    Post by Van-Helsing May 8th 2015, 12:57 am

    Hello @JScript,
    I don't know why but when I have active (In all the pages) the javascript is not displaying the images in the posts.

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    [Project] elapsedTime (Total Time Spent On Forums) Empty Re: [Project] elapsedTime (Total Time Spent On Forums)

    Post by ForeverPotterLock May 18th 2015, 2:42 am

    This doesn't show up for me :/
    Active Poster

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    [Project] elapsedTime (Total Time Spent On Forums) Empty Re: [Project] elapsedTime (Total Time Spent On Forums)

    Post by smurfavr July 4th 2015, 12:06 pm

    1. Why show me this profile and how to remove it?
    2. Why can not I change this inscription Time Online: 3m 44s in my language?

    [Project] elapsedTime (Total Time Spent On Forums) 8211751P

    The two codes conflict. As this code and put out some pictures. Time spent at the forum hides.
    Active Poster

    Male Posts : 1881
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    Language : Bulgarian

    [Project] elapsedTime (Total Time Spent On Forums) Empty Re: [Project] elapsedTime (Total Time Spent On Forums)

    Post by smurfavr July 5th 2015, 10:38 pm


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    Location : Brazil

    [Project] elapsedTime (Total Time Spent On Forums) Empty Re: [Project] elapsedTime (Total Time Spent On Forums)

    Post by JScript July 5th 2015, 11:40 pm

    smurfavr wrote:up
    I'm not sure, but I guess do not need give "up" in this section...

    To translate "Time Online" in the profile, you will also translate into the code!
    But that I'm skirting with a new code.

    To hide the other field, it can be achieved via CSS!

    So I can solve what you want, you will have to give access to visitors in the profile or give me a temporary account.

    Active Poster

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    [Project] elapsedTime (Total Time Spent On Forums) Empty Re: [Project] elapsedTime (Total Time Spent On Forums)

    Post by smurfavr July 6th 2015, 12:18 pm

    Time spent in the forum shows only the administrator. Other users are not displayed.
    Code put it 3 days ago and shows me that I spent Time Online: 3m 44s. Why not show how much time I spent in the forum and stands only at the same time?

    Posts : 71
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    Language : English

    [Project] elapsedTime (Total Time Spent On Forums) Empty Re: [Project] elapsedTime (Total Time Spent On Forums)

    Post by GummyBear July 8th 2015, 6:44 am

    aint working for me.

    Male Posts : 741
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    Location : Brazil

    [Project] elapsedTime (Total Time Spent On Forums) Empty Re: [Project] elapsedTime (Total Time Spent On Forums)

    Post by JScript July 8th 2015, 1:32 pm

    @smurfavr & @GummyBear
    I'm working on a new version, I kindly ask you to wait ok?


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    [Project] elapsedTime (Total Time Spent On Forums) Empty Re: [Project] elapsedTime (Total Time Spent On Forums)

    Post by GummyBear July 9th 2015, 6:40 am

    no problem Wink
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    [Project] elapsedTime (Total Time Spent On Forums) Empty Re: [Project] elapsedTime (Total Time Spent On Forums)

    Post by smurfavr September 3rd 2015, 1:51 am

    There is a bug in the code. Displayed several times weather information.
    [Project] elapsedTime (Total Time Spent On Forums) 8335855g

    The other bug I noticed in the admin panel.
    Profiles / Profile fields

    When refresh Profile appear several times in the options Highlight fields.
    [Project] elapsedTime (Total Time Spent On Forums) 8335858I

    This occurs in the admin panel changed the name of the options my native language.

    Can make to automatically display all account users how long they have been in onlain forum?
    Angelo Andrei
    Angelo Andrei
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    [Project] elapsedTime (Total Time Spent On Forums) Empty Re: [Project] elapsedTime (Total Time Spent On Forums)

    Post by Angelo Andrei September 17th 2015, 5:23 pm

    Good job , JScript !
    But that for me is not working so much and it is blocked to 1 second . bwi

    Male Posts : 80
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    [Project] elapsedTime (Total Time Spent On Forums) Empty Re: [Project] elapsedTime (Total Time Spent On Forums)

    Post by OLC CREATORS September 17th 2015, 6:07 pm

    Thanks for sharing @JScript

    Male Posts : 747
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    Language : english

    [Project] elapsedTime (Total Time Spent On Forums) Empty Re: [Project] elapsedTime (Total Time Spent On Forums)

    Post by mist3r0us_b0y January 12th 2016, 10:25 am

    i have added this in punbb but aint working any help sir ?

    am having edited template thanks
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    Male Posts : 1881
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    Language : Bulgarian

    [Project] elapsedTime (Total Time Spent On Forums) Empty Re: [Project] elapsedTime (Total Time Spent On Forums)

    Post by smurfavr April 30th 2016, 4:34 pm

    Code has a lot bugs.
    If you remove tick the option Who can modify the profile field value during the ordinary users, not shown.
    If banned from elapsedTime_DB file is displayed in the user profile of the time-line in his profile is not displayed.

    Male Posts : 51498
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    [Project] elapsedTime (Total Time Spent On Forums) Empty Re: [Project] elapsedTime (Total Time Spent On Forums)

    Post by SLGray February 23rd 2017, 8:05 am

    This will no longer be supported by JScript:

    [Project] elapsedTime (Total Time Spent On Forums) Slgray10

    When your topic has been solved, ensure you mark the topic solved.
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      Current date/time is September 23rd 2024, 1:21 am