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3 posters

    Make the mentioning system easier to use

    Ange Tuteur
    Ange Tuteur

    Male Posts : 13207
    Reputation : 3000
    Language : English & 日本語
    Location : Pennsylvania

    Tutorial Make the mentioning system easier to use

    Post by Ange Tuteur April 24th 2015, 7:48 am

    Make the mentioning system easier to use

    By default, the mentioning system relies on the user to type out the name of the person you want to mention, sometimes causing errors and mistakenly tagging other members. This tutorial will provide you with three different ways to make mentioning your members more user friendly ! Smile

    system - Make the mentioning system easier to use Captur29

    system - Make the mentioning system easier to use 09615110 Information

    The method of installation will be via JavaScript, so make sure to navigate to JavaScript codes management in your Administration Panel. Wink
    ( Administration Panel > Modules > JavaScript codes management )

    If you've recently created a forum, be sure that you enabled JS codes management by choosing Yes.

    The first two scripts provided are optimized for all forum versions, provided you have not heavily modified your templates. You will see a variable at the top of these scripts titled version. Be sure to change the number to the one that corresponds to your forum version. The options are :

    0 : PHPBB2
    1 : PHPBB3
    2 : PUNBB
    3 : INVISION
    4 : MODERNBB

    ( See this topic to find out your version )

    Now, feel free to choose the features you want to install. Smile

    1. @ before the username in the profile
    2. Button for mentioning members
    3. SCEditor button for mentioning members

    system - Make the mentioning system easier to use 09615110 @ before the username in the profile

    This modification will allow you to add the @ sign before the usernames in the posting profile. Clicking the @ sign will instantly insert that member's name into the editor !

    system - Make the mentioning system easier to use Taggeg10

    Create a new script with the following settings. Add

    Title : Postprofile Mention
    Placement : In all the pages
            /* FORUM VERSIONS
             * 0 = PHPBB2
             * 1 = PHPBB3
             * 2 = PUNBB
             * 3 = INVISION
             * 4 = MODERNBB
             * 5 = AWESOMEBB
            $(function() {
              var version = 0;
              if (/mode=reply/.test( && my_getcookie('fa_mention')) {
       += '@"' + my_getcookie('fa_mention') + '" ';
              } if (!/\/t\d+/.test(window.location.pathname)) return;
              for (var a = $(['.name strong a', '.postprofile dt strong a', '.username a', '.postprofile dt a ~ a', '.postprofile-name a', '.post-author-name a'][version]), b, i = 0, j = a.length, t = document.getElementById('text_editor_textarea'); i<j; i++) {
                b = document.createElement('A');
                b.title = 'Mention ' + $(a[i]).text();
       = '3px';
                b.className = 'fa-mention';
                b.innerHTML = '@';
                b.href = '#';
                b.onclick = function() {
                  var n = this.title.replace(/^.*?\s/,'');
                  if (version == 5) {
                    var area = document.getElementById('quick-reply-textarea');
                    if (area) {
                      area.value += '@"' + n + '" ';
                    return false;
                  } {
                    if ($.sceditor) t.insertText('@"' + n + '" ');
                    else {
                      my_setcookie('fa_mention', n);
                      window.location.href = '/post?t=' + window.location.pathname.replace(/\/t(\d+)-.*/,'$1') + '&mode=reply';
                  return false;
                a[i].parentNode.insertBefore(b, a[i]);
                if (!$.sceditor) return;

    Modifications : At the top of the script you will see a version variable. Make sure that the number corresponds to your forum version. Wink

    If you want to style the @ sign, you can use the following CSS style rules.
    ( Display > Colors > CSS stylesheet )
    /* default styles */
    a.fa-mention {

    /* hover styles */
    a.fa-mention:hover {

    If you want to change the @ to something else, then find b.innerHTML = '@'; and change the @ sign to whatever you want ! Smile

    When you're finished, go ahead and save the script.

    system - Make the mentioning system easier to use 09615110 Button for mentioning members

    This modification will allow you to add a button to the existing post options for mentioning members. Clicking the button will add the username of that member to the editor.

    system - Make the mentioning system easier to use Imgmen10

    Create a new script with the following settings. Add

    Title : Mention button
    Placement : In all the pages
            /* FORUM VERSIONS
             * 0 = PHPBB2
             * 1 = PHPBB3
             * 2 = PUNBB
             * 3 = INVISION
             * 4 = MODERNBB
             * 5 = AWESOMEBB
            $(function() {
              var version = 0,
                  image = '';
              if (/mode=reply/.test( && my_getcookie('fa_mention')) {
       += '@"' + my_getcookie('fa_mention') + '" ';
              } if (!/\/t\d+/.test(window.location.pathname)) return;
              for (var a = $(['.post-options', '.profile-icons', '.post-options', '.posting-icons', '.profile-icons', '.post-buttons ul'][version]), b, c, d = ['.name strong a', '.author a', '.username a', '.author a', '.postprofile-name a', '.post-author-name a'][version], e, i = 0, j = a.length, t = document.getElementById('text_editor_textarea'), l = version == 1 || version == 3 || version == 4 || version == 5; i<j; i++) {
                b = document.createElement('IMG');
                b.src = image;
                b.alt = 'Mention';
                b.title = 'Mention ' + $(a[i]).closest(version == 5 ? '.post-wrap' : '.post').find(d + ':not(.fa-mention)').text();
                b.className = 'i_icon_mention';
                b.onclick = function() {
                  var n = this.title.replace(/^.*?\s/,'');
                  if (version == 5) {
                    var area = document.getElementById('quick-reply-textarea');
                    if (area) {
                      area.value += '@"' + n + '" ';
                    return false;
                  } else {
                    if ($.sceditor) t.insertText('@"' + n + '" ');
                    else {
                      my_setcookie('fa_mention', n);
                      window.location.href = '/post?t=' + window.location.pathname.replace(/\/t(\d+)-.*/,'$1') + '&mode=reply';
                if (l) {
                  c = document.createElement('LI');
                a[i].insertBefore(l ? c : b, a[i].firstChild);
                if (!$.sceditor) return;

    Modifications : At the top of the script you will see a version variable. Make sure that the number corresponds to your forum version. Wink

    Additionally you will also see an image variable. This is the image for the button, you can changes this with the URL of your own button if you like. Smile

    When you're finished, go ahead and save the script.

    system - Make the mentioning system easier to use 09615110 SCEditor button for mentioning members

    This modification will allow you to add a new button to your editor for mentioning members and friends. You can either type the name of the user, or if you have friends, select them from a predefined list. Once you're finish, you can click insert to add the mention into the editor.

    system - Make the mentioning system easier to use Scemen11

    Go to JavaScript codes management, and create a new script with the following settings. Add

    Title : SCEditor Mention Button
    Placement : In all the pages
      if (!$.sceditor || /\/privmsg/.test(window.location.pathname)) return;
      var storage = window.localStorage, s = document.createElement('SELECT'), amis;
      if (storage && storage.faAmis && storage.faAmisExp > +new Date - 29*59*1000 && storage.faAmisUser == _userdata.username) s.innerHTML = storage.faAmis;
      else {
        $.get('/privmsg?mode=post', function(d) {
          amis = $('select[name="userfriend"]', d)[0] || 0;
          if (amis) {
            amis.firstChild.innerHTML = 'Select a friend';
            s.innerHTML = amis.innerHTML;
          if (storage) {
            storage.faAmis = amis ? amis.innerHTML : 0;
            storage.faAmisUser = _userdata.username;
            storage.faAmisExp = +new Date;
      $.sceditor.command.set('mention', {
        dropDown : function(editor, caller, callback) {
          var a = document.createElement('DIV'), b = document.createElement('INPUT'), c = document.createElement('INPUT');
          b.type = 'button';
          b.value = 'Insert';
          b.className = 'button';
          c.type = 'text';
 = 'fa-mention';
          a.innerHTML = '<div><label for="fa-mention">Username :</label></div>' + ( s.innerHTML ? '<div><label>Mention a friend :</label></div>' : '' ) + '<div></div>';
          if (s.innerHTML != 0) {
            s.value = '';
            s.onchange = function() {
              c.value = s.value;
          b.onclick = function() {
            c.value && callback(c.value);

          editor.createDropDown(caller, 'insertmention', a);

        exec : function(c) { mention(c, this) },
        txtExec : function(c) { mention(c, this) },
        tooltip : 'Mention a member'
      toolbar = toolbar.replace(/quote,/,'mention,quote,');
      function mention(c, e) {
        $.sceditor.command.get('mention').dropDown(e, c, function(pseudo) {
          e.insertText('@"' + pseudo + '" ');

    Now, let's add some styles to the stylesheet so our button has the correct image. Go to Administration Panel > Display > Colors > CSS stylesheet paste the following rules and submit.
    /* button image */
    .sceditor-button-mention div { background-image:url( !important }

    /* drop down input */
    #fa-mention {
      background:url( no-repeat 3px 50% #FFF;

    Click submit and you're ready to mention your members and friends !  Mr. Green

    SarkZKalie, TonnyKamper and AngelM like this post


    Male Posts : 19324
    Reputation : 2005
    Language : fluent in dork / mumbojumbo & English haha

    Tutorial Re: Make the mentioning system easier to use

    Post by Ape April 9th 2020, 7:07 pm

    This Tutorial was updated to add the following 2 Forum version : MODERNBB and AWESOMEBB

    With thanks to our great Friend @Ange Tuteur salut

    system - Make the mentioning system easier to use Left1212system - Make the mentioning system easier to use Center11system - Make the mentioning system easier to use Right112
    system - Make the mentioning system easier to use Ape_b110
    system - Make the mentioning system easier to use Ape1010

    TonnyKamper and trajce like this post


    Female Posts : 15311
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    Location : Greece

    Tutorial Re: Make the mentioning system easier to use

    Post by skouliki March 13th 2022, 1:41 pm

    This code was updated to fit in with the new HTTPS address

    updated 13.03.2022 by skouliki

    TonnyKamper likes this post

      Current date/time is September 22nd 2024, 3:31 pm