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SEO: improve your forum description and meta description

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SEO: improve your forum description and meta description Empty SEO: improve your forum description and meta description

Post by Shadow June 11th 2015, 10:49 am

SEO: improve your forum description and meta description
Dear members,

We just added new warning messages into the administrative panel to encourage administrators to enter a forum description and a forum title.

SEO: improve your forum description and meta description 09615110 Why to add a forum title and description?

To make your forum know on Google you've to add a title and a description.

  • The title: guarantees a Google rank, inform your newcomers what your forum is talking about.
  • The description: provides additional information before entering your forum. The description is just under your forum title

SEO: improve your forum description and meta description Forum_12

  • Meta Description: The meta description is the short paragraph to advertise content to searchers and let them know exactly whether the given page contains the information they're looking for. Meta description tags, while not important to search engine rankings, are extremely important in gaining user click

SEO: improve your forum description and meta description Metata10

SEO: improve your forum description and meta description 09615110 Where to enter those information

  • Title and forum description

First, you've to enter your admin panel:
General>>Forum>> Configuration>> "Site name" & "Site description"

SEO: improve your forum description and meta description Forum_13

If the admin did not enter the forum title and description, a red message will appear:
SEO: improve your forum description and meta description Descri10

  • Meta description:

First, you've to enter your admin panel:

General>> Forum promotion>> Search engines
SEO: improve your forum description and meta description Js10

Like for the title and the description, a red message will appear if the meta description is missing.

Best regards,

Male Posts : 16208
Reputation : 1832
Language : French, English

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SEO: improve your forum description and meta description Empty Re: SEO: improve your forum description and meta description

Post by scarwiz June 21st 2015, 1:47 pm

Thank <Links Removed>~Derri
New Member

Male Posts : 1
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SEO: improve your forum description and meta description Empty Re: SEO: improve your forum description and meta description

Post by Derri June 21st 2015, 2:04 pm

scarwiz wrote:Thank <Links Removed>~Derri

Please don't post up forum links, its considered advertising. Next time you will be issued a warning.

Male Posts : 8711
Reputation : 638
Language : English & Basic French
Location : Scotland, United Kingdom

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