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mc nabulsy
Trn ng Dut
Ange Tuteur
10 posters

    Add HTML Special Symbols button into the SCEditor!


    Male Posts : 741
    Reputation : 175
    Language : PT-BR, EN
    Location : Brazil

    Add HTML Special Symbols button into the SCEditor! Empty Add HTML Special Symbols button into the SCEditor!

    Post by JScript July 8th 2015, 5:31 am

    Hello guys!

    I think the tutorial Add Font Awesome button to the editor is an excellent option for choice new icons and symbols, but for that one must have the "Font Awesome" installed in the forum...

    I do not really like the idea of installing this "Font Awesome" because I think on slower connections makes loading the page a bit slower, so I decided to do something similar but using only pure HTML.

    You want to try? Then follow the steps below:

    In your ACP: Modules -> HTML&JAVASCRIPT -> JavaScript codes management -> [Create a new JavaScript]
    Title *: <- Whatever you want
    Placement : <- In all the pages
    Javascript Code * : <- Select, copy and paste the code below in this field!


     * Application: HTML Special Symbols!
     * Description: Add Icons and special symbols only in HTML into the SCEditor!
     * Version: 0.07072015-jq1.9.1 - (ghastly-> gruesome)
     * Remarks: It has only been tested in forums with "charset = utf-8"
     *      Some parts of the code were extracted from the tutorial "Font Awesome icons" by Dave Gandy.
     * Made by JScript - 2015/07/07 - based on "Font Awesome icons" by Dave Gandy.
     * Copyright (c) 2015 JScript <jscriptbrasil at live dot com>
     * This work is free. You can redistribute it and/or modify it
     * under the terms of the WTFPL, Version 2
    $(function() {
       if (!$.sceditor) return;

       htmlSymbols = {
          config: {
             tooltip: 'HTML Special Symbols',
             // default icon size
             iconSize: 18,
             // closes drop down after an icon is clicked, if enabled
             autoClose: 1

          // Symbol list
          list: [
             // Utility Symbols
             '#9742;', '#9743;', '#9744;', '#9745;', '#9746;', '#9997;', '#64;', '#10004;', '#10007;', '#10008;',
             '#9998;', '#9999;', '#9985;', '#9986;', '#9990;', '#9991;', '#9992;', '#9993;', '#9842;', '#9851;',
             // Hands, Fingers and Faces
             '#9754;', '#9755;', '#9756;', '#9757;', '#9758;', '#9759;', '#9996;', '#9785;', '#9786;', '#9787;',
             // Unicode emoticons
             '#128512;', '#128513;', '#128514;', '#128515;', '#128516;', '#128517;', '#128518;', '#128519;', '#128520;', '#128521;',
             '#128522;', '#128523;', '#128524;', '#128525;', '#128526;', '#128527;', '#128528;', '#128529;', '#128530;', '#128531;',
             '#128532;', '#128533;', '#128534;', '#128535;', '#128536;', '#128537;', '#128538;', '#128539;', '#128540;', '#128541;',
             '#128542;', '#128543;', '#128544;', '#128545;', '#128546;', '#128547;', '#128548;', '#128549;', '#128550;', '#128551;',
             '#128552;', '#128553;', '#128554;', '#128561;', '#128565;', '#128567;', '#128568;', '#128569;', '#128571;', '#128573;',
             '#128575;', '#128576;', '#128581;', '#128582;', '#128583;', '#128584;', '#128585;', '#128586;', '#128587;', '#128588;',
             '#128589;', '#128590;', '#128591;', '#127746;', '#127748;', '#127749;', '#127751;', '#127752;', '#127753;', '#127755;',
             '#127757;', '#127758;', '#127760;', '#127761;', '#127762;', '#127768;', '#127769;', '#127770;', '#127771;', '#127772;',
             '#127776;', '#127793;', '#127794;', '#127796;', '#127799;', '#127801;', '#127803;', '#127805;', '#127807;', '#127809;',
             '#127812;', '#127813;', '#127814;', '#127815;', '#127816;', '#127817;', '#127818;', '#127820;', '#127821;', '#127822;',
             '#127823;', '#127824;', '#127825;', '#127826;', '#127827;', '#127828;', '#127829;', '#127830;', '#127831;', '#127834;',
             '#127835;', '#127837;', '#127838;', '#127839;', '#127840;', '#127846;', '#127847;', '#127848;', '#127852;', '#127853;',
             '#127859;', '#127860;', '#127861;', '#127864;', '#127867;', '#127868;', '#127872;', '#127873;', '#127874;', '#127875;',
             '#127876;', '#127877;', '#127878;', '#127880;', '#127884;', '#127886;', '#127907;', '#127908;', '#127909;', '#127911;',
             '#127916;', '#127922;', '#127923;', '#127927;', '#127928;', '#127934;', '#127936;', '#127937;', '#127938;', '#127942;',
             '#127944;', '#128000;', '#128003;', '#128007;', '#128009;', '#128029;', '#128032;', '#128034;', '#128038;', '#128039;',
             '#128060;', '#128069;', '#128076;', '#128082;', '#128084;', '#128187;', '#128190;', '#128204;', '#128208;', '#128236;',
             '#128241;', '#128245;', '#128246;', '#128247;', '#128249;', '#128250;', '#128251;', '#128252;', '#128257;', '#128260;',
             '#128263;', '#128264;', '#128266;', '#128267;', '#128272;', '#128273;', '#128276;', '#128286;', '#128294;', '#128295;',
             '#128296;', '#128297;', '#128298;', '#128300;', '#128301;', '#128302;', '#128509;', '#128511;', '#128507;', '#128304;',
             '#128099;', '#128102;', '#128103;', '#128104;', '#128105;', '#128106;', '#128107;', '#128110;', '#128111;', '#128112;',
             '#128113;', '#128114;', '#128115;', '#128116;', '#128117;', '#128118;', '#128119;', '#128120;', '#128125;', '#128126;',
             '#128128;', '#128129;', '#128130;', '#128132;', '#128137;', '#128140;', '#128141;', '#128142;', '#128143;', '#128144;',
             '#128145;', '#128146;', '#128163;', '#128161;', '#128170;', '#128172;', '#128173;', '#128176;', '#128179;', '#128181;',
             '#128188;', '#128192;', '#128193;', '#128194;', '#128197;', '#128203;', '#128206;', '#128209;', '#128211;', '#128218;',
             '#128214;', '#128215;', '#128216;', '#128217;', '#128222;', '#128223;', '#128224;', '#128225;', '#128227;', '#128230;',
             '#128292;', '#128291;', '#128290;', '#128289;', '#128288;',
             // Weather and Celestial Symbols
             '#9728;', '#9729;', '#9730;', '#9731;', '#9732;', '#9733;', '#9734;', '#9735;', '#9736;', '#9737;',
             '#9789;', '#9790;', '#9788;',
             // HTML Chess Symbols
             '#9812;', '#9813;', '#9814;', '#9815;', '#9816;', '#9817;', '#9818;', '#9819;', '#9820;', '#9821;',
             '#9822;', '#9823;',
             // Heart Symbols
             '#10084;', '#10085;', '#10086;', '#10087;', '#10082;', '#10083;', 'hearts;', '#9825;', '#128147;', '#128148;',
             '#128149;', '#128150;', '#128151;', '#128152;', '#128157;', '#128158;', '#128153;', '#128154;', '#128155;', '#128156;',
             // Some Star Symbols
             '#10021;', '#10020;', '#10022;', '#10023;', '#10025;', '#10026;', '#10031;', '#10037;', '#10046;', '#10047;',
             '#10048;', '#10049;', '#10052;', '#10055;', '#10056;', '#10057;', '#10058;', '#10059;', '#10070;', '#10050;',
             // HTML Notes and Music Symbols
             '#9833;', '#9834;', '#9835;', '#9836;', '#9837;', '#9838;', '#9839;',
             // HTML Card Symbols
             'spades;', '#9828;', 'hearts;', '#9825;', 'diams;', '#9826;', 'clubs;', '#9831;',
             // Various symbols
             '#9770;', '#9775;', '#9784;', '#9792;', '#9794;', '#9793;', '#9798;', '#9774;', 'copy;', 'reg;',
             'trade;', 'euro;', 'cent;', '#36;', 'yen;', '#8470;', 'pound;', '#8480', '#10162;', '#10148;',
             '#10151;', '#10165;', '#10168;', '#10172;', '#10173;', '#10163;', '#9658;', '#9668;', 'frac12;', 'frac14;',
             'frac34;', 'frac13;', 'frac23;', 'frac18;', 'frac38;', 'frac58;', '#9730;', '#9731;', '#9875;', '#9888;',
             '#9889;', '#9855;', '#9780;'

          initialize: function() {
             // CSS implementation
                '<style type="text/css">' +
                // button image
                '.sceditor-button.sceditor-button-html-special-symbols:after {' +
                '  content: "\\2693";' +  // <- Ship anchor icon!
                '  font-size: 26px;' +
                '}' +
                '.sceditor-button-html-special-symbols div {' +
                '  background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) none repeat scroll 0 0 !important;' +
                '  margin-top: -8px !important;' +
                '}' +
                // drop down
                '.sceditor-html-special-symbols {' +
                '  width:220px;' +
                '  height:250px;' +
                '  overflow-y:auto;' +
                '}' +
                // icons
                '.sceditor-html-special-symbols i {' +
                '  color:#333;' +
                '  font-size:20px;' +
                '  text-align:center;' +
                '  cursor:pointer;' +
                '  padding:3px 0;' +
                '  width:25%;' +
                '}' +
                '.sceditor-html-special-symbols i:hover { color:#666 }' +
                '.html-special-symbols {' +
                '  display: inline-block;' +
                '  font-size: inherit;' +
                '  font-size-adjust: none;' +
                '  font-stretch: normal;' +
                '  font-style: normal;' +
                '  font-synthesis: weight style;' +
                '  font-variant: normal;' +
                '  font-weight: normal;' +
                '  line-height: 1;' +
                '  text-rendering: auto;' +
                '  transform: translate(0px, 0px);' +
                '}' +
             var A = '',
                O = A,
                i, j = htmlSymbols.list.length;

             // if the size is above 0 we'll format a default size for the icons
             if (htmlSymbols.config.iconSize) {
                A += '[size=' + htmlSymbols.config.iconSize + ']&';
                O += '[/size]';

             // create sceditor button and drop down
             $.sceditor.command.set('html-special-symbols', {
                createDropdown: function(editor, callback) {
                   var c = $('<div />');

                   for (i = 0; i < j; i++) {
                      $('<i class="html-special-symbols">&' + htmlSymbols.list[i] + '</i>').data('htmlSymbols-icon', htmlSymbols.list[i]).click(function(e) {

                         htmlSymbols.autoClose && editor.closeDropDown(true);

                   return c;

                // wysiwyg
                exec: function(c) {
                   var e = this;
                   e.createDropDown(c, 'html-special-symbols', $.sceditor.command.get('html-special-symbols').createDropdown(e, function(I) {
                      e.insert(A + I + O);
                // source
                txtExec: function(c) {
                   var e = this;
                   e.createDropDown(c, 'html-special-symbols', $.sceditor.command.get('html-special-symbols').createDropdown(e, function(I) {
                      e.insert(A + I + O);

                tooltip: htmlSymbols.config.tooltip
             // add the button to the toolbar
             toolbar = toolbar.replace(/date,/, 'html-special-symbols,date,');


    Add HTML Special Symbols button into the SCEditor! Captur22

    All available icons:
    Add HTML Special Symbols button into the SCEditor! Comple11

    Take a test and tell me if you like,


    Last edited by JScript on July 8th 2015, 8:17 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Added more icons!)

    Male Posts : 741
    Reputation : 175
    Language : PT-BR, EN
    Location : Brazil

    Add HTML Special Symbols button into the SCEditor! Empty Re: Add HTML Special Symbols button into the SCEditor!

    Post by JScript July 8th 2015, 8:20 pm

    New icons were added, bringing the total to 418!

    Link for more icons:

    Ange Tuteur
    Ange Tuteur

    Male Posts : 13207
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    Language : English & 日本語
    Location : Pennsylvania

    Add HTML Special Symbols button into the SCEditor! Empty Re: Add HTML Special Symbols button into the SCEditor!

    Post by Ange Tuteur July 8th 2015, 10:00 pm

    @JScript very nice ! It's like a set of emojis. Smile

    Male Posts : 741
    Reputation : 175
    Language : PT-BR, EN
    Location : Brazil

    Add HTML Special Symbols button into the SCEditor! Empty Re: Add HTML Special Symbols button into the SCEditor!

    Post by JScript July 8th 2015, 10:19 pm

    @Ange Tuteur
    That's right and has much more in this link:

    I found much better than the "Font Awesome"...


    Male Posts : 659
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    Location : Egypt

    Add HTML Special Symbols button into the SCEditor! Empty Re: Add HTML Special Symbols button into the SCEditor!

    Post by Michael_vx July 11th 2015, 11:17 am

    part me and my apologize if this reply is not allowed from me
    this great work
    loved a lot
    i only wish to find an easy way to merge these things with a non forumotion Editor this one

    Posts : 91
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    Add HTML Special Symbols button into the SCEditor! Empty Re: Add HTML Special Symbols button into the SCEditor!

    Post by alla13 October 8th 2015, 8:16 pm

    emojis are not showing
    Trn ng Dut
    Trn ng Dut
    New Member

    Posts : 13
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    Language : Việt Nam

    Add HTML Special Symbols button into the SCEditor! Empty Re: Add HTML Special Symbols button into the SCEditor!

    Post by Trn ng Dut December 26th 2015, 6:42 am

    Very good
    mc nabulsy
    mc nabulsy

    Male Posts : 37
    Reputation : 3
    Language : Arabic
    Location : Palestine

    Add HTML Special Symbols button into the SCEditor! Empty Re: Add HTML Special Symbols button into the SCEditor!

    Post by mc nabulsy April 19th 2016, 11:30 am

    i use the old version and there a problem
    it don't appear to me until i post the topic 
    and i idk what did i put

    Male Posts : 51498
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    Location : United States

    Add HTML Special Symbols button into the SCEditor! Empty Re: Add HTML Special Symbols button into the SCEditor!

    Post by SLGray April 19th 2016, 9:31 pm

    mc nabulsy wrote:
    i use the old version and there a problem
    it don't appear to me until i post the topic 
    and i idk what did i put
    What old version are you referring to?  If you mean Font Awesome, you need to start a support topic in the correct support section.  This tutorial is about a HTML character button.

    Add HTML Special Symbols button into the SCEditor! Slgray10

    When your topic has been solved, ensure you mark the topic solved.
    Never post your email in public.
    Storytellers CAN
    Storytellers CAN

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    Add HTML Special Symbols button into the SCEditor! Empty Re: Add HTML Special Symbols button into the SCEditor!

    Post by Storytellers CAN April 26th 2016, 4:29 am

    Sweet! Thank you <3

    Male Posts : 32
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    Language : EN,AR
    Location : Earth :D

    Add HTML Special Symbols button into the SCEditor! Empty Re: Add HTML Special Symbols button into the SCEditor!

    Post by Abdalah_98 May 16th 2016, 8:11 am

    Fully worked on PUNBB with no problems !
    in all forum pages ...

    I advise for it Wink

    Posts : 427
    Reputation : 2
    Language : English

    Add HTML Special Symbols button into the SCEditor! Empty Re: Add HTML Special Symbols button into the SCEditor!

    Post by TamDonCo July 22nd 2016, 7:32 pm

    some computers show black and white, some show colour

    ???? Question

    Male Posts : 51498
    Reputation : 3523
    Language : English
    Location : United States

    Add HTML Special Symbols button into the SCEditor! Empty Re: Add HTML Special Symbols button into the SCEditor!

    Post by SLGray February 23rd 2017, 8:01 am

    This will no longer be supported by JScript:

    Add HTML Special Symbols button into the SCEditor! Slgray10

    When your topic has been solved, ensure you mark the topic solved.
    Never post your email in public.

      Current date/time is September 22nd 2024, 8:35 pm