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topic list of specific forum

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topic list of specific forum Empty topic list of specific forum

Post by H.A.SS.A.N August 26th 2015, 10:45 pm

hello friends >>>
I have this code
<script type="text/javascript">
var CopyrightNotice='The last Topics category for forumotion. Copyright © ';
$(function () {
        url: "/feed/?f={FORUM_ID}",
        success: function (a) {
    $(".animelast:first").after('<ul id="list7epsanime"></ul>');
            10000 < $(a).find("title").length ? so = 12 : so = $(a).find("title").length;
for (i = 2; i < so; i++) $('<li class="likistanime"><i class="fa fa-play"></i><a href="' + $(a).find("link:eq(" + i + ")").text() + '">' + $(a).find("title:eq(" + i + ")").text() + "</a></li>").appendTo("#list7epsanime")

for display topic of specific forum but the number of topics appear only 25
I need to appear all topics in the forum
and I favourate use ({FORUM_ID})
beacuase I need to use this code in my viewtopic-body tamplate
help me please
and thank u

Posts : 77
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Language : Arabic

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topic list of specific forum Empty Re: topic list of specific forum

Post by Niko August 27th 2015, 12:26 am

Hello @H.A.SS.A.N

That javascript code refers to the /feed/?f={FORUM_ID} page.. and if you get only 25 posts this means that in the feed page only 25 topics are displayed. Wink
You may try to change the "topics per page" option, but I don't know if it will affect even the feed page

Just give a try :rose:

Male Posts : 3283
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Location : Italy

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topic list of specific forum Empty Re: topic list of specific forum

Post by H.A.SS.A.N August 27th 2015, 8:52 am

yes , this true but the topic per page is limited to 50 only
and I need any way for display all topic of forum in list
becuase I have anime forum  and want to display all specific anime episodes in list
please give me any thing ^_^

Posts : 77
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Language : Arabic

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topic list of specific forum Empty Re: topic list of specific forum

Post by Niko August 27th 2015, 3:25 pm

@H.A.SS.A.N sadly I think it is not possible, even because the max number of topics per page is 50 and there is nothing you can do if not opening a suggestion to increase the number of topics per page Sad

I'm sorry but I can't see other options.. even because loading more than 50 topics can slow down the pages' speed

Male Posts : 3283
Reputation : 254
Language : English, Italian, French
Location : Italy

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topic list of specific forum Empty Re: topic list of specific forum

Post by H.A.SS.A.N August 27th 2015, 5:03 pm

@Niko no way by jqury or ajax to get these topic from the forum
please @Ange Tuteur give me any way I trust u

Posts : 77
Reputation : 1
Language : Arabic

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