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Hide the sentence "Last edited by..." on specific or all messages

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Tutorial Hide the sentence "Last edited by..." on specific or all messages

Post by Ange Tuteur October 30th 2015, 11:35 am

Hide the sentence "Last edited by..." on specific or all messages

This trick allows your to hide the sentence "Last edited by..." when you edit your messages :

Hide the sentence "Last edited by..." on specific or all messages 04-08-10

This modification is applicable to any forum version. Smile

Hide the sentence "Last edited by..." on specific or all messages 09615110 Hide all edits on messages

Admin panel >> Display >> Templates >> General

Open the viewtopic_body template and search for the
variable. Edit

Delete this variable from your template and don't forget to save and publish the template when you're finished. Add

Hide the sentence "Last edited by..." on specific or all messages 09615110 Hide edits only on specific messages

Admin panel >> Display >> Templates >> General

Open the viewtopic_body template and search for the
variable. Edit

Wrap the variable with a
tag that has the "edit" class :
<span class="edit">{postrow.displayed.EDITED_MESSAGE}</span>

Now, create a new javascript and select "in the topics" for the placement :
Admin panel >> Modules >> JavaScript codes management >> Create a new script

Paste the following code :

Don't forget to submit!

Right now, to not have the sentence "Last edited by..." on a specific message, you have to add the following tag onto your message : [hideedit] !

For example :
Hide the sentence "Last edited by..." on specific or all messages 04-08-11
Once posted :
Hide the sentence "Last edited by..." on specific or all messages 04-08-12

Ange Tuteur
Ange Tuteur

Male Posts : 13207
Reputation : 3000
Language : English & 日本語
Location : Pennsylvania

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