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Nintendo Ranks

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Completed Nintendo Ranks

Post by Nintenex November 26th 2015, 11:49 am

Creation Type : Rank
Dimensions : 198x43
Primary Colors : [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
Secondary Colors : [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
Images to include :
Text to insert : N/A
Font : bold
Font Color : [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
Link to my Forumotion forum : [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
Username on the forum : Nintenex
Link to last graphic request : First one
Detail description : If you look at the banner for my home page website i have the characters for paper mario.

I want different Paper mario characters for each rank.

RED- Administrator - Paper mario
Dark Green- Global Mod - Paper Luigi
Green -Moderator -Paper Luigi
Neon Light Blue - News Team - Paper Toad
Pink - GFX Inkling - Paper Peach
Brown - Member - Paper Goompa

they have to be those colors to match the rank colors. The text doesnt have to be red and white it can be the same color as the rank themes as long as you can see them. basically solid color of the theme with the white around the text so you can see it.

I want the gloss effect of the ranks and i an the text to be similar to my forum banner.
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Other / Decline to state Posts : 109
Reputation : 5
Language : English

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Completed Re: Nintendo Ranks

Post by Mimóza November 26th 2015, 2:05 pm

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Female Posts : 679
Reputation : 278
Language : Hungarian, English

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Completed Re: Nintendo Ranks

Post by Nintenex November 26th 2015, 3:06 pm

You took the time out to do this for me, I appreciate every bit of it, I love the second set, I will use them, Know this, I thank you so much for taking the time out of your day to create these beautiful Paper mario rank images, I love them the way they are and it exceeded the way i imagined them to look before this. Bless you Mimoza, hope you make the graphic team because these are very well made and they complement my theme. These are so great, thanks again Mimoza.

Another question, How do i add people to the "Rank Administration" so it shows on the forum because idk how to get the images to connect to the "Group Administraction" because that feild doesnt have a image option.

Other / Decline to state Posts : 109
Reputation : 5
Language : English

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Completed Re: Nintendo Ranks

Post by Mimóza November 27th 2015, 7:34 am

Such a sweet response, thank you! [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.] 

As far as I can see, you managed to apply the ranks to all the groups.
Have a great day! [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.] [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

Female Posts : 679
Reputation : 278
Language : Hungarian, English

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Completed Re: Nintendo Ranks

Post by Ellianna17 November 27th 2015, 9:03 am

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Nice job! Thanks for helping out. =)
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Request complete.
   [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.] Topic moved to [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

Female Posts : 539
Reputation : 126
Language : English, Filipino, and Basic Spanish

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