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The Calendar

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The Calendar Empty The Calendar

Post by Caihlem November 25th 2006, 1:03 pm

The Calendar

The calendar is an optional feature on Editboard.

How to activate it
Arrow Administration panel
Arrow Modules
Arrow Calendar
Arrow Configuration

On the row where you see "Activate the topic calendar" choose yes and the press "Save"

You now have your Calendar activated and a new button on your Nav Bar.

When you are creating a new topic, you will have "Calendar Options" under the post screen - this does not work if you reply to a post. There you can chooses the date and the time of the calendar event as well as the duration.
The Calendar Calend10

An event will then be displayed for the according day(s) in the calendar:
The Calendar Sansti10

In addition, you can also create events directly from your calendar by clicking the small icon in each calendar-day. This requires that you define a forum that is associated to your calendar - events that you create directly within the calendar will then be posted in this forum. To choose one, go in your admin panel to "Modules / Calendar / Configuration".

Permissions of the Calendar

You can set in your admin panel who is and who isn't allowed to create calendar events. This can be done in "General / Forum / Categories & Forums". Click here on this icon The Calendar Perms nearby a forum to change the permissions for this section (eventually you have to click on "Advanced mode" first). You can now mark the boxes for "Create an event (calendar)" appropriately. Smile


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