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    Banner Rotation delay time


    Male Posts : 6916
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    Solved Banner Rotation delay time

    Post by TheCrow 21/5/2016, 13:51

    Technical Details

    Forum version : #phpBB3
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    Description of problem


    Okay so i want a banner rotation system to rotate some images i have. The rotation system works the same as the banner rotation which is this:
    (function() {
              var BannerRotator = {
                images : [
                start_delay : 5000,
                duration : 5000,
                height : 'auto',
                fade_image : true,
                fade_speed : 1200,
                keep_initial : true,
                remember_position : true,
                preload : true,
                // technical data below
                index : -1,
                logo : null,
                // increment the index and display the next image in rotation after a small delay
                next : function(ms) {
                  if (ms === undefined) ms = FA.BannerRotator.duration;
                  window.setTimeout(function() {
                    if (++FA.BannerRotator.index >= FA.BannerRotator.images.length) FA.BannerRotator.index = 0; // reset index when it exceeds "images" length
                    if (FA.BannerRotator.remember_position) my_setcookie('fa_banner_index', FA.BannerRotator.index); // remember the last banner shown
                    // fade banner in and out
                    if (FA.BannerRotator.fade_image) {
                      $(FA.BannerRotator.logo).fadeOut(FA.BannerRotator.fade_speed, function() {
                        FA.BannerRotator.logo.src = FA.BannerRotator.images[FA.BannerRotator.index]; // set next banner
                        $(this).fadeIn(FA.BannerRotator.fade_speed,; // fade it in
                    // default rotation
                    else {
                      FA.BannerRotator.logo.src = FA.BannerRotator.images[FA.BannerRotator.index];
                  }, ms);
                // initial start up to get the correct logo node and setup some other settings
                init : function() {
                  var logo = document.getElementById('i_AffiliatesSys') || document.getElementById('ttAffImg') || document.getElementById('ttAffImg'),
                      index = my_getcookie('fa_banner_index');
                  if (logo) {
                    FA.BannerRotator.logo = logo.tagName == 'IMG' ? logo : logo.firstChild;
           = FA.BannerRotator.height;
                    if (FA.BannerRotator.keep_initial) FA.BannerRotator.images[FA.BannerRotator.images.length] = FA.BannerRotator.logo.src;
                    if (FA.BannerRotator.remember_position && index) {
                      FA.BannerRotator.index = +index;
                      FA.BannerRotator.logo.src = FA.BannerRotator.images[FA.BannerRotator.index] || FA.BannerRotator.images[0];
                  } else if (window.console && window.console.warn) {
                    console.warn('Your forum version is not optimized for this plugin');
              if (!window.FA) FA = {};
              if (!FA.BannerRotator) {
                FA.BannerRotator = BannerRotator;
                if (FA.BannerRotator.preload) {
                  for (var i = 0, j = FA.BannerRotator.images.length, img; i < j; i++) {
                    img = document.createElement('IMG');
                    img.src = FA.BannerRotator.images[i];
    Now what i use is this in my html:
    <div id="ttAffSys"><span id="ttAffTit">Forum Affiliates"</span><br />
    <span id="ttAffImg"><img src="//" /></span>
    <style> #ttAffSys{position:fixed;height:15px;bottom:15px;left:15px;}
    #ttAffTit{font-family:Trebuchet MS;font-size:12px;text-decoration:underline;color:#ccc;}

    I want this rotation system to show up after like 30 seconds with an opacity liked effect and then go away the same way after like 2 minutes.

    Can we somehow do that?

    Thanks for any response,
    Luffy :rose:

    Last edited by Luffy on 24/5/2016, 00:06; edited 2 times in total
    Ange Tuteur
    Ange Tuteur

    Male Posts : 13207
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    Location : Pennsylvania

    Solved Re: Banner Rotation delay time

    Post by Ange Tuteur 21/5/2016, 15:35

    Hi @Luffy,

    Change your script into this :
    (function() {
              var BannerRotator = {
                images : [
                start_delay : 5000,
                duration : 5000,
                height : 'auto',
                fade_image : true,
                fade_speed : 1200,
                keep_initial : false,
                remember_position : true,
                preload : true,
                // technical data below
                index : -1,
                logo : null,
                // increment the index and display the next image in rotation after a small delay
                next : function(ms) {
                  if (ms === undefined) ms = FA.BannerRotator.duration;
                  window.setTimeout(function() {
                    if (++FA.BannerRotator.index >= FA.BannerRotator.images.length) FA.BannerRotator.index = 0; // reset index when it exceeds "images" length
                    if (FA.BannerRotator.remember_position) my_setcookie('fa_banner_index', FA.BannerRotator.index); // remember the last banner shown
                    // fade banner in and out
                    if (FA.BannerRotator.fade_image) {
                      $(FA.BannerRotator.logo).fadeOut(FA.BannerRotator.fade_speed, function() {
                        FA.BannerRotator.logo.src = FA.BannerRotator.images[FA.BannerRotator.index]; // set next banner
                        $(this).fadeIn(FA.BannerRotator.fade_speed,; // fade it in
                    // default rotation
                    else {
                      FA.BannerRotator.logo.src = FA.BannerRotator.images[FA.BannerRotator.index];
                  }, ms);
                // initial start up to get the correct logo node and setup some other settings
                init : function() {
                  var logo = document.getElementById('i_AffiliatesSys') || document.getElementById('ttAffImg') || document.getElementById('ttAffImg'),
                      index = my_getcookie('fa_banner_index');
                  if (logo) {
                    FA.BannerRotator.logo = logo.tagName == 'IMG' ? logo : logo.firstChild;
           = FA.BannerRotator.height;
                    if (FA.BannerRotator.keep_initial) FA.BannerRotator.images[FA.BannerRotator.images.length] = FA.BannerRotator.logo.src;
                    if (FA.BannerRotator.remember_position && index) {
                      FA.BannerRotator.index = +index - 1;
                  } else if (window.console && window.console.warn) {
                    console.warn('Your forum version is not optimized for this plugin');
              if (!window.FA) FA = {};
              if (!FA.BannerRotator) {
                FA.BannerRotator = BannerRotator;
                if (FA.BannerRotator.preload) {
                  for (var i = 0, j = FA.BannerRotator.images.length, img; i < j; i++) {
                    img = document.createElement('IMG');
                    img.src = FA.BannerRotator.images[i];

    and change your HTML to this :
    <div id="ttAffSys"><span id="ttAffTit">Forum Affiliates"</span><br />
    <span id="ttAffImg"><img src="" /></span>
    <style> #ttAffSys{position:fixed;height:15px;bottom:15px;left:15px;}
      #ttAffTit{font-family:Trebuchet MS;font-size:12px;text-decoration:underline;color:#ccc;}

    FYI you need to include an image src, otherwise the fade in wont work correctly with this.

    If you want the image to show after 30 seconds modify the start_delay variable :
    start_delay : 5000,
    By default it's 5 seconds. so 30000 will be 30 seconds.

    Male Posts : 6916
    Reputation : 795
    Language : Greek, English

    Solved Re: Banner Rotation delay time

    Post by TheCrow 21/5/2016, 16:14

    @Ange Tuteur this works but the Title is visible. Can we possible hide that until the popup appears?

    And also the rotation never stops.. I want it if possible to spot after lets say 2 rotations of all 7 images..

    Banner Rotation delay time Thecro10
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    Male Posts : 6916
    Reputation : 795
    Language : Greek, English

    Solved Re: Banner Rotation delay time

    Post by TheCrow 22/5/2016, 18:57


    Banner Rotation delay time Thecro10
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    Ange Tuteur
    Ange Tuteur

    Male Posts : 13207
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    Location : Pennsylvania

    Solved Re: Banner Rotation delay time

    Post by Ange Tuteur 23/5/2016, 13:07

    I don't know about the title, but can't you hide that by editing the CSS in your HTML ? It says it's set to "bottom:15px;" which means it's 15px from the bottom of the screen. Try using a negative value to hide it. You can also use "display:none" or "visibility:hidden" it depends on what you're doing with the popup.

    Anyway for the script, try replacing it with this :
    (function() {
              var BannerRotator = {
                images : [

                min_iterations : 0,
                max_iterations : 2,
                start_delay : 5000,
                duration : 5000,
                height : 'auto',
                fade_image : true,
                fade_speed : 1200,
                keep_initial : false,
                remember_position : true,
                preload : true,
                // technical data below
                index : -1,
                logo : null,
                // increment the index and display the next image in rotation after a small delay
                next : function(ms) {
                  if (ms === undefined) ms = FA.BannerRotator.duration;
                  window.setTimeout(function() {
                    if (++FA.BannerRotator.index >= FA.BannerRotator.images.length) {
                      FA.BannerRotator.index = 0; // reset index when it exceeds "images" length
                      if (++FA.BannerRotator.min_iterations >= FA.BannerRotator.max_iterations) {
                    if (FA.BannerRotator.remember_position) my_setcookie('fa_banner_index', FA.BannerRotator.index); // remember the last banner shown
                    // fade banner in and out
                    if (FA.BannerRotator.fade_image) {
                      $(FA.BannerRotator.logo).fadeOut(FA.BannerRotator.fade_speed, function() {
                        FA.BannerRotator.logo.src = FA.BannerRotator.images[FA.BannerRotator.index]; // set next banner
                        $(this).fadeIn(FA.BannerRotator.fade_speed,; // fade it in
                    // default rotation
                    else {
                      FA.BannerRotator.logo.src = FA.BannerRotator.images[FA.BannerRotator.index];
                  }, ms);
                // initial start up to get the correct logo node and setup some other settings
                init : function() {
                  var logo = document.getElementById('i_AffiliatesSys') || document.getElementById('ttAffImg') || document.getElementById('ttAffImg'),
                      index = my_getcookie('fa_banner_index');
                  if (logo) {
                    FA.BannerRotator.logo = logo.tagName == 'IMG' ? logo : logo.firstChild;
           = FA.BannerRotator.height;
                    if (FA.BannerRotator.keep_initial) FA.BannerRotator.images[FA.BannerRotator.images.length] = FA.BannerRotator.logo.src;
                    if (FA.BannerRotator.remember_position && index) {
                      FA.BannerRotator.index = +index - 1;
                  } else if (window.console && window.console.warn) {
                    console.warn('Your forum version is not optimized for this plugin');
              if (!window.FA) FA = {};
              if (!FA.BannerRotator) {
                FA.BannerRotator = BannerRotator;
                if (FA.BannerRotator.preload) {
                  for (var i = 0, j = FA.BannerRotator.images.length, img; i < j; i++) {
                    img = document.createElement('IMG');
                    img.src = FA.BannerRotator.images[i];

    I added a new variable "max_iterations" which is the max number of times the rotator will repeat on the page.

    Male Posts : 6916
    Reputation : 795
    Language : Greek, English

    Solved Re: Banner Rotation delay time

    Post by TheCrow 23/5/2016, 17:49

    Well the rotation works just fine but when it stops, it stucks to the last image shown and it doesn't disappear again.. Think

    Banner Rotation delay time Thecro10
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    Ange Tuteur
    Ange Tuteur

    Male Posts : 13207
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    Location : Pennsylvania

    Solved Re: Banner Rotation delay time

    Post by Ange Tuteur 23/5/2016, 18:31

    Oh, you wanted it to disappear ? Find this part :
                      if (++FA.BannerRotator.min_iterations >= FA.BannerRotator.max_iterations) {

    and replace it with this :
                      if (++FA.BannerRotator.min_iterations >= FA.BannerRotator.max_iterations) {
    Just added fadeOut() to the condition for the image.

    Male Posts : 6916
    Reputation : 795
    Language : Greek, English

    Solved Re: Banner Rotation delay time

    Post by TheCrow 23/5/2016, 20:04

    Very good! The code works perfectly!

    Thanks a lot @Ange Tuteur. I added an animation with a specific duration of 60s and now it's gone after that with the rotator! Thanks a lot!

    This is now solved!

    Banner Rotation delay time Thecro10
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    Male Posts : 6916
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    Solved Re: Banner Rotation delay time

    Post by TheCrow 23/5/2016, 20:18

    Sorry for double posting but i assume that maybe some read it so i'll have to add an update.

    @Ange Tuteur i am using a code for my navigation bar to hop up and since the addition of the code only on the index of the forum the hover hop up effect has been messed up and now it's flashing instead of hopping up. Think

    Banner Rotation delay time Thecro10
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    Ange Tuteur
    Ange Tuteur

    Male Posts : 13207
    Reputation : 3000
    Language : English & 日本語
    Location : Pennsylvania

    Solved Re: Banner Rotation delay time

    Post by Ange Tuteur 23/5/2016, 23:24

    Is the hover effect applied using JavaScript or CSS ?

    Male Posts : 6916
    Reputation : 795
    Language : Greek, English

    Solved Re: Banner Rotation delay time

    Post by TheCrow 24/5/2016, 00:05

    CSS but it's in different templates.. :S

    I gave the same animation name.. Silly me.. lol

    Thanks man.. Solved now! Smile

    Banner Rotation delay time Thecro10
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    Solved Re: Banner Rotation delay time

    Post by SLGray 24/5/2016, 00:38

    Topic solved and archived

    Banner Rotation delay time Slgray10

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